Freelance Job Information: The point of this part-time freelance job website that's most definitely legitimate(website proof here.) when it comes to the make money online aspect of it is to simply, take surveys online and make money. From my experience they take you anywhere from 5-35 minutes per survey. Most seem to fall in the range of 10-13 minutes, though. They pay by check in the mail.
How they make money: My assumption as I don't recall it saying anywhere really is that they take out a cut for providing the clientale to take the surveys. What I mean by this is that companies pay them to provide them with a certain amount of survey-takers to help know what products and services people like and don't like.
Last Known Payscale: You generally get survey invitations to your email and they're anywhere from $3.00 to up's of I believe the highest i've seen of of $7+ or so. There are also surveys you can take that don't reward you with anything but usually by taking them it seems to increase the chance of getting a survey that pays. The only other possible pay you'll get is if you win their sweepstakes which after every survey you get entries into.
Freelance Job Website Rating: I give this website an 8.8/10 after extensively reviewing this online survey-taking website named Surveyspot. This is by far the highest paying survey site i'm aware of on the internet today and you'll get surveys to take almost every day. You won't make a lot but the side-cash will really start to add up & all you really need is about 10-35 minutes each day you have a survey to take.
-Site does pay out it's members(proof here.)
-Highest paying survey site that i'm aware of.
-Sweepstakes entries after every survey for a chance to win $25,000.
-Get at least a few surveys every few days, in most cases at least one survey a day.
-Quick and easy to join up with.
-Slow connection friendly site.
-No annoying AD's or Spam to your email.
-BBB Online Reliability Program.
-If you're outside of the US it may be hard to qualify for surveys.
-If you wait too long to do a survey the "quota" might fill up really quick and you wont get rewarded.
-If you don't qualify for the survey you don't receive anything other then sweepstakes entries.
-It takes a long time for you to receive your money in the mail, and then another long gap as you still have to cash the check.
-It doesn't allow you to receive money to your Paypal account which is a downer as compared to some of those sites that can send money straight to your Paypal(What is this freelance job tool?)
If you have anything else to say in relation to this online legitimate survey-taking website, feel free to leave it in the comment box as to help others when considering this as a worthwhile freelance job to make money online or not. Hope you enjoyed this freelance job website review of Surveyspot!
If you're interested in other legitimate part-time freelance jobs online, check out this blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
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