In this freelance job blog entry I shall be helping you on how to get paid the regular rate on reviewstream for reviews more often then not. Enjoy, and g'luck!
A good tip I think is that you should try to write reviews around what people are searching for as if they don't have luck anywhere else they're bound to search for it again, or have other people searching for something similar and thus the odds are better that reviewstream will pay you the regular rate as compared to the bulk rate. Just look for the "Recent searches" on reviewstream to help you out.
Another suggestion is to look at the "special requests" and "most wanted" things on reviewstream and try to write about them. You can find them to the left of the big "write review" button on the main page of ReviewStream. You can also take a look at the "most interesting readers" area which you can find on the opposite side of those two I mentioned above. The benefit of this is you can get an idea of what those writers are writing about and I imagine they're probably more encouraged to write as they're probably getting the regular rate more often then others are.
Yet another suggestion is to be opinionated. Reviewstream seems to look for reviews more about the opinions then the facts. Thus the more opinionated you are the more likely you will be to get a regular rate pay.
My only other suggestion is that you should write reviews more on stuff that hasn't been reviewed yet then reviews on things that have been already reviewed ten times by other people. Makes sense, doesn't it?
If you have any other tips to suggest to help people to learn how to get paid the regular rate on reviewstream for reviews feel free to leave them in the comment box!
If you're looking for reviews that people claim to have paid them regular rate with to give you a better idea then I advise checking out the freelance job blog entry, Reviews on Reviewstream that pay the regular rate
If you want a guide to make a worthwhile amount of money out of Reviewstream I advise checking out the blog entry, How to make a full-time income writing reviews online for working part-time job hours to write with Reviewstream
P.S. If I come up with more tips i'll be sure to add them to here to help you all out on how to get paid the regular rate on reviewstream for reviews more often! Soo check back every so often in this freelance job blog entry.
If you're ready to start to write reviews online check, here.
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