How To Make Money Online Blogging Freelance job Information Part 2

The purpose of this blog entry is to list the different tools you can use to help you get started on freelance blogging to help you make money online. Hopefully the Freelance Job Information I provide will help you to understand the purpose of each site or tool mentioned below.

Google Insights: This if a very helpful experimental tool directly from Google that gives you an idea of worthwhile keywords that people may be searching for in Google. It's definitely worth a gander and a very helpful tool indeed. Great for those just beginning in this freelance blogging job. Best thing about this freelance tool is it's absolutely free to use to help you make money online.

Google Webmaster Tools: You can know exactly what's going on with your website with this freelance tool and really know where your traffic is coming from, who's linking to you, and a whole lot of other things as well!

...instead of going super in-depth into all of Google's fantastic tools why not make a Google account for yourself? It's 100% free, anyways! Anyways, enjoy the rest of the tools i'll be mentioning below!

Alexa: If you own a website Alexa is a tool you should definititely conside using. It can give you a complete record of just about every little tidbit of detail. Especially great site for blogs!

Feedburner: Feedburner is a great tool for those who run a blog. Why? It gives readers that find your site a way to "subscribe" to your blogs and get an update every time a new entry is posted and etc

If you know of other great legitimate freelance job tools to help someone to make money online with their blog feel free to mention them in the comment box. If you're looking for other freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you make money online then I advise checking out the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2

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