So as promised, i'll be listing you with all the get paid to drive companies I know of that help you to make money driving while selling advertising space on your car. Keep in mind that you should neverrr, never have to pay to find companies like this. If someones charging for opprotunities to make money while driving simply ignore them and search on the internet and find them free for yourself. Enjoy the list, and good luck!
I shall list part-time freelance jobs for you to make money (You get paid to drive a certain amount which you probably already do anyways!) driving based on their location & which could be most profitable as well as based on which ones I believe to be the most legitimate part-time freelance jobs
If you're not over 18 years old you probably won't qualify for a lot of the ways you can make money driving by selling advertising space that I list below. You also might not qualify simply because of the type of your car but that isn't necessarily bad as some car companies below may actually allow you a chance to use one of their cars to drive for free within a contracted amount of time.
Free Car Media: I've seen articles about this make money driving freelance job website on places like msnbc and various blogs and websites not as well-known claiming that Free Car Media is a 100% legitimate get paid to drive job opprotunity and you can make as much as $400 a month through this by selling advertising space on your car. If you're one of the lucky ones you can get a free car to drive for as long as the contract lasts with whatever the given advertiser. So in my mind Is Free Car Media Legit or a scam? I would have to say most likely Free Car Media is legit but then again, there is really no guarantee until you try for yourself.
ADwraps: This company called Adwraps may pay upto $400 a month for you to get paid to drive because you'll be making money to sell advertising space on your car. Other places like Free Car Media which i'm almost confident is a legit company offer about the same kind of deal so it's reasonable to assume that Adwraps is a legit company to get paid to drive with as well and not a scam. You also have a chance to be able to get a car to drive free if you get picked.
Autowrapped: Although this doesn't seem to look like a very professional website, Autowrapped may pay upto $400 a month for you to get paid to drive because you'll be making money by selling advertising space on your car. If you want to find out if Autowrapped is legit or a scam freelance job, check it out for yourself!
GasForFree: This is a fairly well-known company that you can get paid to drive with and make money by selling advertising space on your car. It seems to have a mix of people that're kind of hostile about this freelance job company, while at the same time others like it. The hostility of this freelance job company which makes me debate whether gasforfree is legit or not is those that don't understand how they can get gas for free from the company. In a sense the gas "isn't free" as they use part of the advertising revenue you make to cover the gas costs and pay you a little less each month. You can make anywhere from $50-$300 a month(Depending on how much you cover your car up with advertising) + free gas money if GasForfree is legit and not a scam. The rates seem reasonable and the GasForFree company website seems pretty professional, as well as the fact that places like CBS news are talking about it and places like it.
FreeGasHelp: This is a get paid to drive company that you can make money from by simply selling advertising space on your car. Freegashelp has articles written about them and mentioned in various popular news sites one of which being CBS news. You can get up to $200 in free gas money supposedly and since like I said places like CBSnews are talking about FreeGasHelp, it can definitely boost your confidence that this is yet again another free get paid to drive company out there and not a scam.
US & Canada
AdsToGo: If you don't want your whole car covered with advertising space and still want to make a little extra monthly then this is probably the place to go to sell advertising space on your car. You'll only earn about $50 a month with this company, but you'll only be required to place a small ad on your car as compared to other companies that want to cover your car with advertising space while you make money driving. So, is AdsToGo legit or a scam? I would personally have to say Adwraps is legit. It's not like what they're saying is such unreasonable pay for the potential customers a given advertiser may obtain through the advertising on your car & from what I see being said around online AdsToGo is a very reasonable and legit company to do business with when you want to make money driving by selling advertising space on your car.
AutoCarwraps: AutoCarwraps is for those based in the UK to get paid to drive by making money to sell advertising space on your car. From my analysis of determining whether Autocarwraps is legit or a scam, i'm pushing towards more on the legitimate side but I can't say for sure as i'm from the US and this is a UK-based get paid to drive company. The freelance job company site looks professional. I've even heard lots of good things throughout the web about it. Really though, the best thing you can do is try it out for yourself.
Advantage Vehicle Advertising: Advantage Vehicle Advertising Might be a little risky to participate in being that it is a UK-based company site and the way it seems you apply is by calling the number on their site, and it doesn't seem to involve any sort of online application. Thus I can't say for sure whether Advantage Vehicle Advertising is a legitimate, or a scam freelance job for sure. It also seems to find information about it online. Try at your own risk, as I could be wrong and Advantage Vehicle Advertising could be perfectly legitimate. You if it is a reputable company can get paid to drive up to £200 per month to make money by selling advertising space on your car.
VistaMotion: Yet another UK-based get paid to drive company that you can be making money part-time with by selling advertising space on your car. You can make upto £220 per month through this get paid to drive company. You may also qualify to drive a new smart car for free to potentially make upto £60 a month. Is Vistamotion a legit get paid to drive company, or a scam? I would have to say more on the legitimate side then the scam side. Why? The company site is very professionally done, and there seems to be quite the following on the internet as to Vistamotion being legitimate. Of course, as always. The best way to find out if a freelance job is legitimate is to try it out for yourself.
Do you know of other legitimate parttime freelance job companies that allow you to get paid to drive while making money to sell advertising space on your car? If so, feel free to leave them in the comment box but no links please. Just what the site is called and only if you're confident that it is a legit freelance job company. Also if you participated in one of these companies and they turned out to not do what they claim to do which is to help you to make money by selling advertising space on your car make sure to let others know in the comment box!
If you're interested in other part-time freelance job websites, or freelance job information to help you to make or save money online then I advise checking out this freelance job blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Driving by selling advertising space on your car online Freelance Job Information Part 1
If you've come to learn how to make money driving by selling advertising space on your car you should be very glad you found this blog. So i'm sure at some point when you were driving around on the highway, or just heading over somewhere to visit friends or family that you saw a car filled up with tons and tons of advertising and you thought to yourself, "Who in their right mind would fill their car up with so much stuff?!" and the answer is simple. People looking to make money driving by simply selling advertising space all over their car. There are two ways to do this, through some reputable companies, or by yourself.
How to go about doing it through a reputable company to make money is fairly simple. There are plenty of free, no-cost companies that you can find online that simply allow you to register within their freelance job website and if they feel you fit their specific "geographical" area, and you drive enough in your car, they will be willing to set you up with one of their advertisers. It usually works where you fill out a questionaire about your driving habits, your location, age, and other things like the type of car that you drive. Then the advertiser looks through the given companies potential "drivers" and pick out people they feel would be able to best promote their advertising and they then proceed to buy advertising space which in turn means they send money to the company which if you follow through with the original "driving contract" you'll be able to obtain x number of dollars usually anywhere from $50-$500 depending on how much you drive and the particular advertising space you get chosen for to promote. It's pretty exciting but since there are a lot of cars out there it is very competitive despite how little known it seems to be around the world. The one thing you should remember is that 95% of the companies that you can get paid to drive with and make a very nice amount of money with will not charge you a dime to get a chance to be chosen as I said a "potential driver" in this freelance job.
Now if you don't want to deal with companies and want to try to sell on your own and possibly earn more that means you have to attempt to sell advertising space yourself to potential clients and companies. What this entails is you calling around companies and simply saying something along the lines of "Hey, I was curious if your company would be interested in selling advertising space on my car while I drive." and then you would probably follow it up with information about your driving habits, location, and backround history & possibly even investing to help them to do a proper backround check on you to make sure you're A-OK on the legit site such as you have a clean driving record, don't have a criminal backround, and it is in fact your car that you're driving. The amount you can make from selling advertising space on your car can be quite profitable, but there will be costs. I already mentioned the one above to help the given company pay for doing a backround check on you, but you'll also have to deal with some company or make the "advertising" you stick on your car yourself. This can be quite pricey which is why most people just deal with a company that helps them do all of this for free as a well-established company is so much easier to deal with when you're trying to figure out how to make money driving by selling advertising space.
If this sounds interesting to you and you're looking to how to get started through means of this freelance job to make money driving by selling advertising space on your car then check ouf the following freelance job blog entry, How to Make Money Driving by selling advertising space on your car online Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you then I advise checking out some other freelance jobs mentioned in this blog which you can find in the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to go about doing it through a reputable company to make money is fairly simple. There are plenty of free, no-cost companies that you can find online that simply allow you to register within their freelance job website and if they feel you fit their specific "geographical" area, and you drive enough in your car, they will be willing to set you up with one of their advertisers. It usually works where you fill out a questionaire about your driving habits, your location, age, and other things like the type of car that you drive. Then the advertiser looks through the given companies potential "drivers" and pick out people they feel would be able to best promote their advertising and they then proceed to buy advertising space which in turn means they send money to the company which if you follow through with the original "driving contract" you'll be able to obtain x number of dollars usually anywhere from $50-$500 depending on how much you drive and the particular advertising space you get chosen for to promote. It's pretty exciting but since there are a lot of cars out there it is very competitive despite how little known it seems to be around the world. The one thing you should remember is that 95% of the companies that you can get paid to drive with and make a very nice amount of money with will not charge you a dime to get a chance to be chosen as I said a "potential driver" in this freelance job.
Now if you don't want to deal with companies and want to try to sell on your own and possibly earn more that means you have to attempt to sell advertising space yourself to potential clients and companies. What this entails is you calling around companies and simply saying something along the lines of "Hey, I was curious if your company would be interested in selling advertising space on my car while I drive." and then you would probably follow it up with information about your driving habits, location, and backround history & possibly even investing to help them to do a proper backround check on you to make sure you're A-OK on the legit site such as you have a clean driving record, don't have a criminal backround, and it is in fact your car that you're driving. The amount you can make from selling advertising space on your car can be quite profitable, but there will be costs. I already mentioned the one above to help the given company pay for doing a backround check on you, but you'll also have to deal with some company or make the "advertising" you stick on your car yourself. This can be quite pricey which is why most people just deal with a company that helps them do all of this for free as a well-established company is so much easier to deal with when you're trying to figure out how to make money driving by selling advertising space.
If this sounds interesting to you and you're looking to how to get started through means of this freelance job to make money driving by selling advertising space on your car then check ouf the following freelance job blog entry, How to Make Money Driving by selling advertising space on your car online Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you then I advise checking out some other freelance jobs mentioned in this blog which you can find in the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 2
Now to help you guys out for those interested in how to make money online by making videos check out the following freelance job websites.
Youtube: Youtube is planning on or so i've heard to start revenue-sharing with it's members that want it. It's an exciting prospect and a really well-known website. The purpose of this is probably more so because they're trying to knock competitor websites out that already do this and have been doing this for a while(Some even since the birth of their website.) They may have already started, i'm not so sure. I suppose. Do a little surfing around in their Faq's and whatnot.
Revver: Revver seems to be one of the best freelance job websites out there being that it's a 50/50 cut between you and the site. The revenue comes from the advertising attached to your paritcular video. The more traffic you bring in the more you'll make. Simple as that.
Metacafe: This is probably the strictest of all the video-uploading for money sites out there & you have to meet their "producer rewards" program qualifications before earning anything. The rules aren't too strict, but some of the things such as having "20,000 views within six months" for your video to qualify for the program are just silly.
IstockPhoto: Sell video anywhere from $15-$86 which can add up fairly quick even if you only sell a few each month. Great freelance job website. You can also sell illustrations, stock photography, and audio within this freelance job website.
If you know of other freelance job websites that pay to share videos feel free to leave them in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job or freelance job info I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Youtube: Youtube is planning on or so i've heard to start revenue-sharing with it's members that want it. It's an exciting prospect and a really well-known website. The purpose of this is probably more so because they're trying to knock competitor websites out that already do this and have been doing this for a while(Some even since the birth of their website.) They may have already started, i'm not so sure. I suppose. Do a little surfing around in their Faq's and whatnot.
Revver: Revver seems to be one of the best freelance job websites out there being that it's a 50/50 cut between you and the site. The revenue comes from the advertising attached to your paritcular video. The more traffic you bring in the more you'll make. Simple as that.
Metacafe: This is probably the strictest of all the video-uploading for money sites out there & you have to meet their "producer rewards" program qualifications before earning anything. The rules aren't too strict, but some of the things such as having "20,000 views within six months" for your video to qualify for the program are just silly.
IstockPhoto: Sell video anywhere from $15-$86 which can add up fairly quick even if you only sell a few each month. Great freelance job website. You can also sell illustrations, stock photography, and audio within this freelance job website.
If you know of other freelance job websites that pay to share videos feel free to leave them in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job or freelance job info I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 1
If you've ever wanted to learn how to make money online making videos then you should be glad you found this blog. This isn't exactly the biggest market, at least. Not yet, but it's still a good kind of niche' one that not nearly as many people actually know about. The point of this is to simply make videos & bring attention to them & you can collect a residual based upon the traffic you bring into each given video. If your videos are a hit you can really start bringing in some fairly good cash, however. If it's not very popular and hardly ever seen you might just be wasting your time.
The most annoying part about this freelance job when it comes to how to make money online is that you have to make sure you aren't breaking any copyrights. That means, the music you use, the "items" you use within your video, the logos, and other kinds of related things. It has to be entierly yours to use or you have to get permission from the given person to use before using it in a video. Makes it a bit of a challenge then to get a video up, eh? I know of some freelance job websites, and one that is soon to be doing this that is very well-known.
You can find out all about the one's i'm aware of in this freelance job info blog entry here, How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 2 and g'luck to you with your movie-making.
If these websites don't really appeal to you or you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job or freelance job info I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The most annoying part about this freelance job when it comes to how to make money online is that you have to make sure you aren't breaking any copyrights. That means, the music you use, the "items" you use within your video, the logos, and other kinds of related things. It has to be entierly yours to use or you have to get permission from the given person to use before using it in a video. Makes it a bit of a challenge then to get a video up, eh? I know of some freelance job websites, and one that is soon to be doing this that is very well-known.
You can find out all about the one's i'm aware of in this freelance job info blog entry here, How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 2 and g'luck to you with your movie-making.
If these websites don't really appeal to you or you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job or freelance job info I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Scripting Coding and Programming Freelance Job Information Part 2
Here are the sites I know of and the freelance job information to help you get started to know what they're all about & how they work. It's fairly simple and g'luck to you on finding some worthwhile freelance job opprotunities!
Getafreelancer: Plenty of opprotunities you can "bid" on as in, suggest a price you're willing to get paid for the freelance job and if the person decides upon you, upon completion of the job you will be paid. There are plenty of freelance areas you can participate in but one of the main focuses seems to be in lots of places where you being a scripter, coder, or programmer will help you to really make money online.
ScriptLance: A place focused on Freelance jobs relating to scripting, coding, programming and all of that. Just like GetAfreelancer, you "bid" on a given freelance job you're interested in which means you generally are suggesting a price you're willing to get
If you know of other freelance job websites that pay you for scripting, coding, programming or other tasks similar to it then feel free to leave them in the comment box. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Getafreelancer: Plenty of opprotunities you can "bid" on as in, suggest a price you're willing to get paid for the freelance job and if the person decides upon you, upon completion of the job you will be paid. There are plenty of freelance areas you can participate in but one of the main focuses seems to be in lots of places where you being a scripter, coder, or programmer will help you to really make money online.
ScriptLance: A place focused on Freelance jobs relating to scripting, coding, programming and all of that. Just like GetAfreelancer, you "bid" on a given freelance job you're interested in which means you generally are suggesting a price you're willing to get
If you know of other freelance job websites that pay you for scripting, coding, programming or other tasks similar to it then feel free to leave them in the comment box. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Scripting Coding and Programming Freelance Job Information Part 1
If you've come here to learn how to make money online scripting, coding, or programming you're in luck. So you've did coding, scripting, programming and all the works in a real job format yet you still feel like you're lacking a little spare pocket change? Well, not to worry. There are more then enough sites out there that will let you work freelance with no set hours but possibly a deadline and you can make a fairly decent amount of cash in a fairly short amount of time if you're an awfully quick worker. How do you do this?
Simple. The websites i'll be talking about in the following entry for the most part will be places that let you "bid" on different freelance jobs you may be interested in. If you're one that get's picked you must follow their freelance job info description to a tee & submit whatever they're looking for into them before their set deadline if they have one and then you'll make money online. The range ou make will obviously depend on the project & the person. If you don't want to work for a certain suggested price that they might mention then just move on to a project you feel is worth the time and the money. It can be tough competition out there but if you're any good you'll definitely end up getting a heck of a lot of jobs to do on the side!
So, if this all sounds appealing to you then I suggest checking into the following freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Scripting, Coding, and Progamming Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you or if you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Simple. The websites i'll be talking about in the following entry for the most part will be places that let you "bid" on different freelance jobs you may be interested in. If you're one that get's picked you must follow their freelance job info description to a tee & submit whatever they're looking for into them before their set deadline if they have one and then you'll make money online. The range ou make will obviously depend on the project & the person. If you don't want to work for a certain suggested price that they might mention then just move on to a project you feel is worth the time and the money. It can be tough competition out there but if you're any good you'll definitely end up getting a heck of a lot of jobs to do on the side!
So, if this all sounds appealing to you then I suggest checking into the following freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Scripting, Coding, and Progamming Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you or if you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 2
As promised, I shall provide you with the two very legitimate sites that have a database full of tons of companies that conduct legitimate Mystery Shopping freelance job opprotunities and I along with them will provide the freelance job information to get started on them if you're stumped. Enjoy and g'luck on your Mystery Shopping experience! This site has Legitimate Mystery Shopping Freelance job companies from all over the world as well as within the US. The other areas that're listed on their freelance job website are from South America, Europe, and Asia! Completely free to search for Mystery Shopping freelance job opprotunities. They have a joining feature if you want to join up but you don't really have to if you don't want to, simply click the "join mspa" button and then at the top-right click the "shoppers" button & then click the button that says "search for assignments". These steps are of course after you choose the area in which you're from on the main page so that they can link you to the right legitimate Mystery Shopping freelance job Opprotunities. If you want more information about just simply click the link above that will go into detail about this freelance job website.
Narms: Just like this site works in a similar fashion. From the main page just simply put your mouse over "Jobs/Careers" and go down to "Search the JobBank" and click on it. The Mystery Shopping opprotunities you get depend on your area, obviously. G'luck to you either way and if you want some more freelance job information simply just click on the word "Narms".
If you know of any other legitimate freelance job websites that help to link you to different Mystery Shopping freelance job opprotunities feel free to leave them in the comment box! Make sure they're legitimate Mystery Shopping opprotunities before leaving them there, and g'luck to all those who're going to try Mystery Shopping!
If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, I suggest checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2 This site has Legitimate Mystery Shopping Freelance job companies from all over the world as well as within the US. The other areas that're listed on their freelance job website are from South America, Europe, and Asia! Completely free to search for Mystery Shopping freelance job opprotunities. They have a joining feature if you want to join up but you don't really have to if you don't want to, simply click the "join mspa" button and then at the top-right click the "shoppers" button & then click the button that says "search for assignments". These steps are of course after you choose the area in which you're from on the main page so that they can link you to the right legitimate Mystery Shopping freelance job Opprotunities. If you want more information about just simply click the link above that will go into detail about this freelance job website.
Narms: Just like this site works in a similar fashion. From the main page just simply put your mouse over "Jobs/Careers" and go down to "Search the JobBank" and click on it. The Mystery Shopping opprotunities you get depend on your area, obviously. G'luck to you either way and if you want some more freelance job information simply just click on the word "Narms".
If you know of any other legitimate freelance job websites that help to link you to different Mystery Shopping freelance job opprotunities feel free to leave them in the comment box! Make sure they're legitimate Mystery Shopping opprotunities before leaving them there, and g'luck to all those who're going to try Mystery Shopping!
If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, I suggest checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 1
If you wanted to learn how to make money online mystery shopping then you sure made it to the right place. If you go shopping and have always wondered if you could make money, simply by going shopping then you've ended up in the right place. It is possible to do what is called "mystery shopping". What is Mystery shopping? Well read on to find out.
The purpose of a "Mystery shopper" is basically an anonymous person hired by a group of people, generally people doing market research and what they do is send you to a store or restaurant to do a review, or rate the quality of service at a given store. Maybe you're sent there to try a specific product, or possibly there to check out the "environment" of the store. No matter what it may be, you generally do some kind of task within the store & then report back to the given research company with answers to whatever they were looking for in specific and you get paid.
The problem with a lot of these Mystery Shopping gigs is that there are lots of scam-artists out there trying to take advantage of people so it's really hard to find a reliable place that actually does this & doesn't try to rob you of your money and that offers legitimate Mystery Shopping opprotunities. I've actually only found two places I find to be fairly legitimate in terms of Mystery Shopping which you can check out by looking at the following freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you or you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The purpose of a "Mystery shopper" is basically an anonymous person hired by a group of people, generally people doing market research and what they do is send you to a store or restaurant to do a review, or rate the quality of service at a given store. Maybe you're sent there to try a specific product, or possibly there to check out the "environment" of the store. No matter what it may be, you generally do some kind of task within the store & then report back to the given research company with answers to whatever they were looking for in specific and you get paid.
The problem with a lot of these Mystery Shopping gigs is that there are lots of scam-artists out there trying to take advantage of people so it's really hard to find a reliable place that actually does this & doesn't try to rob you of your money and that offers legitimate Mystery Shopping opprotunities. I've actually only found two places I find to be fairly legitimate in terms of Mystery Shopping which you can check out by looking at the following freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you or you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Shopping and Saving Online Freelance Job information Part 2
As promised I will provide you with sites to help you Make Money Shopping and Saving online through these easy to do and pretty straightforward sites. So when you shop online, you can save upto 30% on each sale! 30% cash back is pretty nice, eh? Enjoy!
MrRebates:Get cash-back on over 1000 different stores. Even main big retailers like Target, Walmart, and so on and so forth. The other fun thing about this is that you can get your cash-back money sent directly to your Paypal. Another nice thing is tha tby joining they give you an additional $5.00 bonus of free money. Great site. Check out the Mrrebates shop and save site review?
BigCrumbs: Not as great as MrRebates but looks much more professional and you get similar great deals that you may not find on Mrrebates. Mrrebates however has a bunch more stores to get potential discounts and savings from. I advise joining it, and this. That way you might find a discount on Mrrebates but you might find a better one on Bigcrumbs or Viceversa. Gives you more options and a great mix to help you save money shopping online through these websites. Check out the Bigcrumbs shop and save site review?
If you know of any other shop and save websites that help you in terms of saving money online feel free to leave them in the comment box below.
If you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
MrRebates:Get cash-back on over 1000 different stores. Even main big retailers like Target, Walmart, and so on and so forth. The other fun thing about this is that you can get your cash-back money sent directly to your Paypal. Another nice thing is tha tby joining they give you an additional $5.00 bonus of free money. Great site. Check out the Mrrebates shop and save site review?
BigCrumbs: Not as great as MrRebates but looks much more professional and you get similar great deals that you may not find on Mrrebates. Mrrebates however has a bunch more stores to get potential discounts and savings from. I advise joining it, and this. That way you might find a discount on Mrrebates but you might find a better one on Bigcrumbs or Viceversa. Gives you more options and a great mix to help you save money shopping online through these websites. Check out the Bigcrumbs shop and save site review?
If you know of any other shop and save websites that help you in terms of saving money online feel free to leave them in the comment box below.
If you're looking for other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I advise checking out the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Shopping and Saving Online Freelance Job information Part 1
Little do people know or realize that you can in fact, save money shopping online. How? Simple. Certain Savings websites make agreements with big time retailers like Ebay, Target, Walmart, and Best Buy to help you get discounts. Why do they do this? I guess the bottomline really is to help promote sales within their site. You figure someone might be more willing to purchase a product if they're paying less & not to mention that some of these places are fairly high-trafficked so that boosts their sales in general as it is. It's really a great way to save money as some websites can save you upto 25% online while shopping i've seen.
The other great thing about these sites is other special offers that you wouldn't normally get just within the given retailers site. Whether it's combo deals such as by purchasing one product you might get another one free, or those buy one get one free's, orrr. etc. So on and so forth. Lot's of various special offers to help you to save money online through shopping.
The best part of all of these savings websites is some of them have a very vast amount of retailers they have made agreements with and with that in mind, that means chances are. You could be saving money in just about any place you may be considering a purchase! It's basically like money back in your pocket that you don't need to lose that could be spent elsewhere!
If you're interested in these freelance job websites then I advise checking out, How to Make Money Shopping & Saving Online Freelance Job Information Part 2
Now if this doesn't really appeal to you you can always check out other freelance job websites, and freelance job info to help you to make money online through this following freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The other great thing about these sites is other special offers that you wouldn't normally get just within the given retailers site. Whether it's combo deals such as by purchasing one product you might get another one free, or those buy one get one free's, orrr. etc. So on and so forth. Lot's of various special offers to help you to save money online through shopping.
The best part of all of these savings websites is some of them have a very vast amount of retailers they have made agreements with and with that in mind, that means chances are. You could be saving money in just about any place you may be considering a purchase! It's basically like money back in your pocket that you don't need to lose that could be spent elsewhere!
If you're interested in these freelance job websites then I advise checking out, How to Make Money Shopping & Saving Online Freelance Job Information Part 2
Now if this doesn't really appeal to you you can always check out other freelance job websites, and freelance job info to help you to make money online through this following freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance job information Part 2
As promised, I will talk about different types of freelance job sites and info relating to selling photography online from stock photo sites, to general places to sell photography, to places that you can make money by sharing the photos!
For a start for those looking to sell Photography outside of the internet I recommend the 2009 Photographers Market book that has about 1500 market listings in which you can sell your photography to. You can read more about it and find a review about it and it's price by clicking the following link, Photography Market Book
Stock Photo sites are as follows..
ShutterStock: A site full of strict guidelines for Stock Photo uploading. Butt! Generally the more strict the guidelines the more chances that people out there will be stopping by here to get the top-quality stock photos and you may sell much more then you would at another stock photo site. $0.25 per download. May sound low, but when it comes to stock photography sites it adds up.. quickly. Very quickly! For those business-minded people it's a great site to get professional-looking stock photography cheap.
Fotolia: Kind of a little less in terms of guidelines as compared to Shutterstock but less sales as they try to make you sell at $1.00 per which is $0.75 higher then Shutterstock which is safe to say that anyone that knows about ShutterStock and is looking to make a stock photo purchase will simply go there instead of Fotolia. Annd. What is also frustrating is you get a very small "commission" for your own photo. It's your own photo, if anything you should get about 90% and they should get about 10%. It's your photo that brings in the sales. 33%-64% commission depending on the license. Not a very recommended site unless you want to make them more money then you'll make yourself or you get on the high-end of the commission percentage. I suppose the commission isn't that bad though as compared to most other stock photo sites.
BigstockPhoto: Fairly reasonable & straightforward guidelines in order to upload a stock photo, although it's $1 per download you can upload a lot of stock photos with ease which means a lot bigger of a chance of you making a sale. Great site, low minimum payout(Only $30 which is much lower then the two mentioned above!)
IstockPhoto: Sell royalty-free stock photo anywhere from $1 to $21 per. Although you won't sell as many at other sites it adds up a lot quicker as you make a lot more. You can also sell illustrations, video, and audio.. 20%-40% commission. In otherwords you can make as little as $0.20 and as much as $8.40 per sale. It add's up quiccck.
Places to sell photography regularly are as follows..
Deviantart: Build a fanbase of people that may be intersted in your artwork and if people really really like it, they might consider a purchase. Sell Prints, Make money. It's like a Myspace for art fans.
Cafepress: Design custom t-shirts, and other types of things like coffeemugs with your designs or borrowing their own personal designs for you to attempt to sell to others for a profit. It's an OK site and fairly popular.
Redbubble: Sell framed prints, posters, even canvas prints with your own design! T-shirts, and greeting cards as well. If you want to, you could even design your very own calendar to attempt to make money online freelance.
Zazzle: Attempt to sell T-shirts, Posters, and other types of art on Zazzle for an attempt to make a profit through this freelance job to make money online.
Lastly, some places to compete against others in photography contents
Viewbug: Enter photography/artwork challenges which range from $100-$200 per challenge it seems. Winners are picked by a judging panel on Viewbug and then supposedly paid by Paypal that winning amount. Great for photographers that feel their photography stands out among a crowd of people. Lot's of competition, though. They also have a neat little "weekly winner" concept where they look over all the photography from the week, and of all time that was uploaded to their site and someone will be awarded "weekly winner" and win a cash prize. 20-30 chances to win each week so upload away! Weekly winners seem to make between $10-$100. Not too shabby for simply uploading pictures for a chance to win, eh? You can also make money through video and music uploads. Fantastic Freelance Job site. If you want to, check out the Viewbug Website Review I wrote.
If you know any other sites to help you make money online freelance selling photography or in relation to making money with photography then feel free to leave them in the comment-box! If you're looking for other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, or freelance job info make sure to check out this freelance job blog entry then, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
For a start for those looking to sell Photography outside of the internet I recommend the 2009 Photographers Market book that has about 1500 market listings in which you can sell your photography to. You can read more about it and find a review about it and it's price by clicking the following link, Photography Market Book
Stock Photo sites are as follows..
ShutterStock: A site full of strict guidelines for Stock Photo uploading. Butt! Generally the more strict the guidelines the more chances that people out there will be stopping by here to get the top-quality stock photos and you may sell much more then you would at another stock photo site. $0.25 per download. May sound low, but when it comes to stock photography sites it adds up.. quickly. Very quickly! For those business-minded people it's a great site to get professional-looking stock photography cheap.
Fotolia: Kind of a little less in terms of guidelines as compared to Shutterstock but less sales as they try to make you sell at $1.00 per which is $0.75 higher then Shutterstock which is safe to say that anyone that knows about ShutterStock and is looking to make a stock photo purchase will simply go there instead of Fotolia. Annd. What is also frustrating is you get a very small "commission" for your own photo. It's your own photo, if anything you should get about 90% and they should get about 10%. It's your photo that brings in the sales. 33%-64% commission depending on the license. Not a very recommended site unless you want to make them more money then you'll make yourself or you get on the high-end of the commission percentage. I suppose the commission isn't that bad though as compared to most other stock photo sites.
BigstockPhoto: Fairly reasonable & straightforward guidelines in order to upload a stock photo, although it's $1 per download you can upload a lot of stock photos with ease which means a lot bigger of a chance of you making a sale. Great site, low minimum payout(Only $30 which is much lower then the two mentioned above!)
IstockPhoto: Sell royalty-free stock photo anywhere from $1 to $21 per. Although you won't sell as many at other sites it adds up a lot quicker as you make a lot more. You can also sell illustrations, video, and audio.. 20%-40% commission. In otherwords you can make as little as $0.20 and as much as $8.40 per sale. It add's up quiccck.
Places to sell photography regularly are as follows..
Deviantart: Build a fanbase of people that may be intersted in your artwork and if people really really like it, they might consider a purchase. Sell Prints, Make money. It's like a Myspace for art fans.
Cafepress: Design custom t-shirts, and other types of things like coffeemugs with your designs or borrowing their own personal designs for you to attempt to sell to others for a profit. It's an OK site and fairly popular.
Redbubble: Sell framed prints, posters, even canvas prints with your own design! T-shirts, and greeting cards as well. If you want to, you could even design your very own calendar to attempt to make money online freelance.
Zazzle: Attempt to sell T-shirts, Posters, and other types of art on Zazzle for an attempt to make a profit through this freelance job to make money online.
Lastly, some places to compete against others in photography contents
Viewbug: Enter photography/artwork challenges which range from $100-$200 per challenge it seems. Winners are picked by a judging panel on Viewbug and then supposedly paid by Paypal that winning amount. Great for photographers that feel their photography stands out among a crowd of people. Lot's of competition, though. They also have a neat little "weekly winner" concept where they look over all the photography from the week, and of all time that was uploaded to their site and someone will be awarded "weekly winner" and win a cash prize. 20-30 chances to win each week so upload away! Weekly winners seem to make between $10-$100. Not too shabby for simply uploading pictures for a chance to win, eh? You can also make money through video and music uploads. Fantastic Freelance Job site. If you want to, check out the Viewbug Website Review I wrote.
If you know any other sites to help you make money online freelance selling photography or in relation to making money with photography then feel free to leave them in the comment-box! If you're looking for other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, or freelance job info make sure to check out this freelance job blog entry then, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance job information Part 1
It's not as hard as you might think to learn how to make money online selling photography. Continue reading to help you get started! If you have ever considered yourself a photographer and were always thinking to yourself, "Can I actually sell any of my photography online freelance?" If so, then you'll be happy to hear that there are plenty of places for you to attempt to do just that. What're the best main ones? Stock Photo Sites, Selling your photography online, and simply by sharing your pictures with others.
The first one I mentioned is Stock Photo Websites. What 95% of stock photo sites are, are simply places to post up any stock photography you may have and if people are looking for it they generally could simply pay a bit to download it and use it royality-free. If you have a lot of pictures & you feel that they fit Stock Photo guidelines & might appeal to lots of businesses and individuals it can really bring an extra set of money since you could constantly collect residuals on sales made for your individual pictures. I suppose it's all about quantity as well as quality and appeal for Stock Photo Sites where you can freelance & post up stock photos to help you make money online.
The next best bet is selling your photography online. There are more then enough places online to attempt to sell your photography online. The bottomline with any of it though is, do you really think it appeals to the masses? If you think it's more of a personal favorite then anything else it's probably best not to waste your time trying to sell it online, but then again. You never know! You also run the risk of someone trying to steal it and claim it as their own! There are also plenty of places you could try to sell it offline as well!
The last & easiest thing you can do is share your pictures online and make money online. How this works is based on the advertising revenue. The more traffic you bring in to that particular picture the more you can make. It's a fantastic concept and it works great if you're someone with a super popular forum, site, or anything like that.
If you're interested in making money online through means of this freelance job, check out the following blog entry listing various freelance sites and info about them: How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance Job Information Part 2
If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance job info that will help you to make money online I advise checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The first one I mentioned is Stock Photo Websites. What 95% of stock photo sites are, are simply places to post up any stock photography you may have and if people are looking for it they generally could simply pay a bit to download it and use it royality-free. If you have a lot of pictures & you feel that they fit Stock Photo guidelines & might appeal to lots of businesses and individuals it can really bring an extra set of money since you could constantly collect residuals on sales made for your individual pictures. I suppose it's all about quantity as well as quality and appeal for Stock Photo Sites where you can freelance & post up stock photos to help you make money online.
The next best bet is selling your photography online. There are more then enough places online to attempt to sell your photography online. The bottomline with any of it though is, do you really think it appeals to the masses? If you think it's more of a personal favorite then anything else it's probably best not to waste your time trying to sell it online, but then again. You never know! You also run the risk of someone trying to steal it and claim it as their own! There are also plenty of places you could try to sell it offline as well!
The last & easiest thing you can do is share your pictures online and make money online. How this works is based on the advertising revenue. The more traffic you bring in to that particular picture the more you can make. It's a fantastic concept and it works great if you're someone with a super popular forum, site, or anything like that.
If you're interested in making money online through means of this freelance job, check out the following blog entry listing various freelance sites and info about them: How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance Job Information Part 2
If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance job info that will help you to make money online I advise checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 2
So, as promised i'll list to you all the places and freelance job info that you will need to potentially sell your artwork at & make some extra side-cash! G'luck to you, and enjoy!
DeviantArt: DeviantArt is like a myspace but for people that have some form of artwork whether it be drawings, artwork, poetry or anything else that you would possibly call "art". It's a great place to build up a potential fan-base for your artwork and possibly sell some too!
Cafepress: Design custom t-shirts, and other types of things like coffeemugs with your designs or borrowing their own personal designs for you to attempt to sell to others for a profit. It's an OK freelance job website and fairly popular.
Redbubble: Sell framed prints, posters, even canvas prints with your own design! T-shirts, and greeting cards as well. If you want to, you could even design your very own calendar to attempt to make money online freelance.
Zazzle: Attempt to sell T-shirts, Posters, and other types of art on Zazzle for an attempt to make a profit through this freelance job to make money online.
IstockPhoto: Quick and easy to set up an account and sell illustrations. Pretty straightforward site. You can sell illustrations anywhere from $1-$24 per. Great site to collect residual with. You can also sell stock photography, videos, and audio with this site.
If you know of any other freelance job websites that help you to make money online that're in relation to drawing feel free to leave them in the comment-box to help others out! If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you make money online then I suggest checking out the following blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
DeviantArt: DeviantArt is like a myspace but for people that have some form of artwork whether it be drawings, artwork, poetry or anything else that you would possibly call "art". It's a great place to build up a potential fan-base for your artwork and possibly sell some too!
Cafepress: Design custom t-shirts, and other types of things like coffeemugs with your designs or borrowing their own personal designs for you to attempt to sell to others for a profit. It's an OK freelance job website and fairly popular.
Redbubble: Sell framed prints, posters, even canvas prints with your own design! T-shirts, and greeting cards as well. If you want to, you could even design your very own calendar to attempt to make money online freelance.
Zazzle: Attempt to sell T-shirts, Posters, and other types of art on Zazzle for an attempt to make a profit through this freelance job to make money online.
IstockPhoto: Quick and easy to set up an account and sell illustrations. Pretty straightforward site. You can sell illustrations anywhere from $1-$24 per. Great site to collect residual with. You can also sell stock photography, videos, and audio with this site.
If you know of any other freelance job websites that help you to make money online that're in relation to drawing feel free to leave them in the comment-box to help others out! If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you make money online then I suggest checking out the following blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 1
Do you want to learn how to make money online drawing? If you draw and draw and always wondered if all these drawings you make can actually help you to make money through different means online then you've ended up in the right place. There are ton's and ton's of places online to potentially sell your artwork, however. It's not necessarily as easy as it sounds.
What i'm getting at here is if you have artwork that is more of a personal appeal to you and not the masses you may have a hard time selling. You have to think of drawing as a business and with that being said if you start thinking of it as a business, you'll start making sales too. It's a tought place to be but who knows, maybe your artwork will sell and maybe it won't. It won't hurt to try!
If you're curious as to some of the places that do this and allow you to sell your artwork online I advise checking out the blog entry, How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 2. If this doesn't interest you, you can always check out other freelance jobs, and freelance job info to help you make money online in this other blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
What i'm getting at here is if you have artwork that is more of a personal appeal to you and not the masses you may have a hard time selling. You have to think of drawing as a business and with that being said if you start thinking of it as a business, you'll start making sales too. It's a tought place to be but who knows, maybe your artwork will sell and maybe it won't. It won't hurt to try!
If you're curious as to some of the places that do this and allow you to sell your artwork online I advise checking out the blog entry, How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 2. If this doesn't interest you, you can always check out other freelance jobs, and freelance job info to help you make money online in this other blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 2
I only know of one freelance job site that provides people a means to get tutored/give tutorage online for a price to help you make money online, but if you're interested in places that are of a more advice giving environment I advise checking out this blog entry, How to Make Money Online Freelance to share your Opinion & Give Advice job info Part 2
BuddySchool:The point of this site is to provide tutorage to those who are looking to learn a new language, or a new skill of some sort. It's the equivalent of an online school where people pay you to help them learn & then rate/pay you afterwards. Great approach, fantastic site & without any promotion if you're qualified enough you should have a bit of a client-base starting off. Check it out, and enjoy! You can find the review of it as follows: How to Make Money Online Tutoring
If you know of any other means to make money online through means of a freelance job website to help tutor others then feel free to leave it in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
BuddySchool:The point of this site is to provide tutorage to those who are looking to learn a new language, or a new skill of some sort. It's the equivalent of an online school where people pay you to help them learn & then rate/pay you afterwards. Great approach, fantastic site & without any promotion if you're qualified enough you should have a bit of a client-base starting off. Check it out, and enjoy! You can find the review of it as follows: How to Make Money Online Tutoring
If you know of any other means to make money online through means of a freelance job website to help tutor others then feel free to leave it in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 1
Looking for how to make money online tutoring? Then you've come to the right place! If you ever thought to yourself, "Hey, I would make a great teacher and i'm pretty well-qualified too!" but yet you always felt you never had enough time to pursue such an endeavour? Think again. There are places out there, one main one in particular that can really help you to pursue tutorage of others and set whatever rate you want! Of course, if you don't set a reasonable rate then you may not ever get anyone to tutor & make some extra side money. And hey! If you aren't really interested in making some side-cash you could always set it free. The best part of it all is that you can set the times you're willing to do tutoring and people can set up appointments with you for you to help tutor them and make money online through various freelance job websites!
Of course, if you aren't exactly the most qualified this may not be for you. However! If you're more then qualified you'll find this as a great extra source of extra parttime freelance job income because not only can you tutor others online to make money whenever you want but you can make tools to help people to help themselves when you aren't around to help. These tools can be sold an infinite amount of times or like the lessons, you could set them as free.
If you're curious as to check out this freelance job website I speak of, just check out the following freelance job info blog entry: How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this just doesn't seem to be for you, you can check out some other freelance job website, or freelance job info in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Of course, if you aren't exactly the most qualified this may not be for you. However! If you're more then qualified you'll find this as a great extra source of extra parttime freelance job income because not only can you tutor others online to make money whenever you want but you can make tools to help people to help themselves when you aren't around to help. These tools can be sold an infinite amount of times or like the lessons, you could set them as free.
If you're curious as to check out this freelance job website I speak of, just check out the following freelance job info blog entry: How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this just doesn't seem to be for you, you can check out some other freelance job website, or freelance job info in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job Information Part 2
I only know of a few sites that're worthwhile and that are one's that you control as opposed to working under someone in a call center job online or offline. These are great sites and g'luck to you on them! If you want to, there is another site you can try out but it's more focused on tutoring then giving advice and you can find that opprotunity in this freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 2
Ether: Think of Ether as you would a call-center job, the only difference is you won't be working under anyone and you'll have to build your own client-base. The idea here is you set a rate for the knowledge you want to share over the phone & people pay the rate if they feel it's worthwhile & then the Ether site takes a small cut out of what you make on each sale. They provide you with plenty of features to use, and even means to invoice people among other things like setting times when you want to actually take calls.There are still some kinks to work out but it works great for the most part!
Bitwine: The way this site works is in a more of an IM-fashion then of a receiving phonecalls sense. The way this works is similar to Ether but you'll receive IM's instead of calls. Some people are more comftorable with an IM fashion of getting questions answered so this can work great for some while for others possibly not. They have some great features and you can even set up video conferences if you want to see the person that you're paying for advice face to face. The obvious way to make money here is you setting a rate and if someone is willing to pay that rate for information then you're going great!
If you know of other similar sites that pay you to share your opinion and give advice in a freelance job sense, feel free to leave them in the comment box to help others out. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Ether: Think of Ether as you would a call-center job, the only difference is you won't be working under anyone and you'll have to build your own client-base. The idea here is you set a rate for the knowledge you want to share over the phone & people pay the rate if they feel it's worthwhile & then the Ether site takes a small cut out of what you make on each sale. They provide you with plenty of features to use, and even means to invoice people among other things like setting times when you want to actually take calls.There are still some kinks to work out but it works great for the most part!
Bitwine: The way this site works is in a more of an IM-fashion then of a receiving phonecalls sense. The way this works is similar to Ether but you'll receive IM's instead of calls. Some people are more comftorable with an IM fashion of getting questions answered so this can work great for some while for others possibly not. They have some great features and you can even set up video conferences if you want to see the person that you're paying for advice face to face. The obvious way to make money here is you setting a rate and if someone is willing to pay that rate for information then you're going great!
If you know of other similar sites that pay you to share your opinion and give advice in a freelance job sense, feel free to leave them in the comment box to help others out. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job Information Part 1
Ever wondered how to make money online simply to share your opinion? Well. It's not as hard as you might think to get paid to give advice. If you always see yourself as a person constantly giving advice to friends and family, why not get paid for it? There are more then enough freelance jobs to help you make money online floating around the internet that will let you do just that. Share your advice with others. Of course, before going off to share advice, make sure you're able to actually tell legitimate and proper advice. Whether it be in terms of dating, finance, or possibly career or business advice! Noones going to want to pay for advice that won't really help them!
The nice thing about these sites i'll be talking about are that they're completely free to use, and you can set your own hours that you want to work and the rate you want to work for. The down side of this is if you can't bring a good client base in to help you with this freelance job to make money online, you'll be like a sitting duck that might get a person every now and then to pay for your advice but no long-term or even short-term stability. Think of it as more of tool. If you learn to use it properly you can help bring in a monstrous amount of extra cash, but if you can't figure out how to use it to your advantage you might be stuck sitting in the dust while others pass you by and take your potential clients!
If this sounds like an appealing job to you where you can work from home in a call center kind of environment I highly suggest checking out the following blog, How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you, you can always check out other freelance job websites, and freelance job info at the following freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The nice thing about these sites i'll be talking about are that they're completely free to use, and you can set your own hours that you want to work and the rate you want to work for. The down side of this is if you can't bring a good client base in to help you with this freelance job to make money online, you'll be like a sitting duck that might get a person every now and then to pay for your advice but no long-term or even short-term stability. Think of it as more of tool. If you learn to use it properly you can help bring in a monstrous amount of extra cash, but if you can't figure out how to use it to your advantage you might be stuck sitting in the dust while others pass you by and take your potential clients!
If this sounds like an appealing job to you where you can work from home in a call center kind of environment I highly suggest checking out the following blog, How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you, you can always check out other freelance job websites, and freelance job info at the following freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Music & Making A Band Freelance Job Information Part 2
Now as promised i'll be providing you with means to help you make money online selling music and monetizing the potential of what it is to be a band. G'luck to you on making sales and getting more exposure to your band with the sites listed below!
Myspace:If you haven't heard of myspace, then you must not be a very active person on the internet! How you can use myspace to your advantage is a feature that Myspace provides where you can make an account specific to your band & help bring your fanbase all to one place to get ahold of you and know when upcoming events will be occuring. It's also a great way to help build up your fanbase. If you aren't using Myspace yet for your band I suggest you start!
Audiolife: The purpose of Audiolife is a place that is provided to you that is easy to manage a store for all the band gear you want to sell whether it be CD's, music downloads, shirts, or other merchandise relating to your band.
Slicethepie: This place is a great way to promote your band to increase your sales that you may be missing out on outside of the US. It's almost like the next step after you feel you have a big enough fanbase within the US. You can do this in combination with Myspace to begin with though if you want to. If your band is good enough it could lead to a pretty massive exposure. Check it out, and enjoy! It's also helpful for those looking to make some extra cash by listening to other bands and telling people what you think about them.
If you know of other freelance job websites to help bands out to make money online or to increase their band exposure feel free to leave them in the comment box. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Myspace:If you haven't heard of myspace, then you must not be a very active person on the internet! How you can use myspace to your advantage is a feature that Myspace provides where you can make an account specific to your band & help bring your fanbase all to one place to get ahold of you and know when upcoming events will be occuring. It's also a great way to help build up your fanbase. If you aren't using Myspace yet for your band I suggest you start!
Audiolife: The purpose of Audiolife is a place that is provided to you that is easy to manage a store for all the band gear you want to sell whether it be CD's, music downloads, shirts, or other merchandise relating to your band.
Slicethepie: This place is a great way to promote your band to increase your sales that you may be missing out on outside of the US. It's almost like the next step after you feel you have a big enough fanbase within the US. You can do this in combination with Myspace to begin with though if you want to. If your band is good enough it could lead to a pretty massive exposure. Check it out, and enjoy! It's also helpful for those looking to make some extra cash by listening to other bands and telling people what you think about them.
If you know of other freelance job websites to help bands out to make money online or to increase their band exposure feel free to leave them in the comment box. Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Music and Making a Band Freelance Job Information Part 1
Did you ever wonder how to make money online selling music for yourself or your band? If so, you've landed in the right place. So have you ever wanted to start a band? Make it with friends, and make a realistic living off of it? Heck. Even those that may have already started a band know it's hard out there. The thing that they all have in common is the fact that a big majority of them don't really use the internet to an advantage like they could! There are plenty of tools out there to use, and not only that. You could help to increase your fanbase to places you've never believed possible. Why Settle just in your state? Why not the whole US? Possibly even people up in the UK? It's more then possible, the only thing is. Are you willing to work at it?
A band is simply that, a business. And in order to make a succesful business you have to be truely dedicated to work at it and push your band up, get exposure, and sell as much as you can, and possibly even go so far as to be super famous! It's all up to you, though. You don't need to sign a record deal to make money with a band. It sure does help, though. If you're really interested in making money and working at it to do so, below i'll link you to my other blog entry providing you with means to attempt to do just that. No guarantee of your success but if you dont really try, how will you ever know?
Now that you understand that there is a potential to get lots of exposure and make money online through the selling of your music and band merchandise, check out some places that will help you to do just that as well as to make a little extra money online on the side reviewing bands in this freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Selling Music & Making a Band Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you, you can always check out the various other freelance jobs, and freelance job info I talk about within my freelance job info blog entry which you can find here, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of freelance Jobs with the Info i'll provide? Part 2
A band is simply that, a business. And in order to make a succesful business you have to be truely dedicated to work at it and push your band up, get exposure, and sell as much as you can, and possibly even go so far as to be super famous! It's all up to you, though. You don't need to sign a record deal to make money with a band. It sure does help, though. If you're really interested in making money and working at it to do so, below i'll link you to my other blog entry providing you with means to attempt to do just that. No guarantee of your success but if you dont really try, how will you ever know?
Now that you understand that there is a potential to get lots of exposure and make money online through the selling of your music and band merchandise, check out some places that will help you to do just that as well as to make a little extra money online on the side reviewing bands in this freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Selling Music & Making a Band Freelance Job Information Part 2
If this doesn't really appeal to you, you can always check out the various other freelance jobs, and freelance job info I talk about within my freelance job info blog entry which you can find here, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in How to Make Money Online through means of freelance Jobs with the Info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 2
In this blog entry i'll list various survey-taking sites & their info that pay you money to simply, take a survey. Hopefully you find one that you really like and earn well with it. G'luck to you & hopefully one of these freelance job sites helps you to make money online!
SurveySpot: This site sends surveys directly to your email or you can check them on their site and their surveys generally take 10-30 minutes and can range anywhere from $2-$5+ per each survey and you get them about every other day. Great site.
GlobalTestMarket: You fill out information about yourself in different surveys within their site and get "MarketPoints". Each Marketpoint is worth $0.05 at the moment. After filling out the surveys about yourself you wait a few days and if you meet specifics for a survey they send you one and if you qualify and complete the survey you generally get $2.50+ and if you make it a little ways through and don't qualify you'll still get 5 marketpoints which equates to $0.25 which can add up slowly.
NPdor Research: The point of this site is to take surveys and get points in which you can put into tons of random sweepstakes for chances to win various things from money to vacations, to game consoles to well, just about anything else you can think of. The sad thing is this is the only option within this site. You can't just say, "Hey, I want money instead!". Not an option. However! If you do happen to win a sweepstakes it'll be well worth your while as some of them aren't too shabby for the 5-10 minutes you might invest in a day's worth of time.
Your2Cents: A fairly low-paying survey site that pays anywhere from $1-$5 per a given survey. Sometimes they take a very short amount of time to complete while others can take quite a lot of time. This survey site does have a lot of awfully interesting surveys though and one's that you should really enjoy. If you have the time to spare to take them it's kind of worth it if you really want a say in the products you use on an everyday basis & it's a great way to find out about new products coming possibly in the future. At the moment you can earn an additional $8 upfront no matter who you are by simply filling out relevent information to help the survey companies to focus more "qualifying" surveys around you as a person.
SurveySavvy: You fill out a "portrait" which is basically things about you which sadly you don't get rewarded for. Depending on how well you fit you may get lot's or little surveys. I rarely get surveys and most seem to be at a $1 per which is kind of worth it if you don't have anything else to do and have a spare five-ten minutes of time. It's a survey site you can do in combination of one of the higher paying ones I mentioned above. It's really all about combination when it comes to these survey sites..
If you know of any other legitimate survey-taking sites that pay a worthwhile amount feel free to leave them in the comment box! If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, I suggest checking out this entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
SurveySpot: This site sends surveys directly to your email or you can check them on their site and their surveys generally take 10-30 minutes and can range anywhere from $2-$5+ per each survey and you get them about every other day. Great site.
GlobalTestMarket: You fill out information about yourself in different surveys within their site and get "MarketPoints". Each Marketpoint is worth $0.05 at the moment. After filling out the surveys about yourself you wait a few days and if you meet specifics for a survey they send you one and if you qualify and complete the survey you generally get $2.50+ and if you make it a little ways through and don't qualify you'll still get 5 marketpoints which equates to $0.25 which can add up slowly.
NPdor Research: The point of this site is to take surveys and get points in which you can put into tons of random sweepstakes for chances to win various things from money to vacations, to game consoles to well, just about anything else you can think of. The sad thing is this is the only option within this site. You can't just say, "Hey, I want money instead!". Not an option. However! If you do happen to win a sweepstakes it'll be well worth your while as some of them aren't too shabby for the 5-10 minutes you might invest in a day's worth of time.
Your2Cents: A fairly low-paying survey site that pays anywhere from $1-$5 per a given survey. Sometimes they take a very short amount of time to complete while others can take quite a lot of time. This survey site does have a lot of awfully interesting surveys though and one's that you should really enjoy. If you have the time to spare to take them it's kind of worth it if you really want a say in the products you use on an everyday basis & it's a great way to find out about new products coming possibly in the future. At the moment you can earn an additional $8 upfront no matter who you are by simply filling out relevent information to help the survey companies to focus more "qualifying" surveys around you as a person.
SurveySavvy: You fill out a "portrait" which is basically things about you which sadly you don't get rewarded for. Depending on how well you fit you may get lot's or little surveys. I rarely get surveys and most seem to be at a $1 per which is kind of worth it if you don't have anything else to do and have a spare five-ten minutes of time. It's a survey site you can do in combination of one of the higher paying ones I mentioned above. It's really all about combination when it comes to these survey sites..
If you know of any other legitimate survey-taking sites that pay a worthwhile amount feel free to leave them in the comment box! If you're interested in other means to make money online through means of a freelance job, I suggest checking out this entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 1
If you've been sitting at home wondering how to make money online taking surveys, it really isn't that hard. Basically, if you have ever been sitting at home seeing commercials pass you by and wondering "Hey, I could think of a better slogan then that!" or something like, "Hey, I think these would be more popular if they lowered the price!" be encouraged to know that there are places that will actually pay you for your opinion. What're these people commonly known as that get paid for sharing their opinion? Survey-takers.
What a survey-taker generally does is well, simply takes a survey. Most places you take surveys for are generally looking for a specifc demographic, a certain group of people etc. so don't be disapointed if you don't qualify for a survey. What does it mean when you don't qualify for a survey? Well, in most cases not qualifying for a survey means you won't get paid at all but in some cases some survey places pay you what I call "pity pay" where they pay you a small portion for at least trying to qualify. As time goes on though and the survey site gets more famiilar with who you are as a person the more accurate they will get in sending you surveys that you'll probably qualify for. These are totally free sites to join.
How it works is that a survey site generally gets paid by a research company trying to get specific information to help market products better. With that money they share a certain amount with you, the survey-taker if you help them in their research. It isn't super high-paying but it's great if you want to make some quick and easy side-cash.
If you're interested in this freelance job to make money online by taking surveys, simply check out the following freelance job info blog entry of all the survey sites I know that're out there today, How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 2
Oh, and if taking surveys doesn't really interest you, you can always check out the other various freelance jobs, and freelance job info in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
What a survey-taker generally does is well, simply takes a survey. Most places you take surveys for are generally looking for a specifc demographic, a certain group of people etc. so don't be disapointed if you don't qualify for a survey. What does it mean when you don't qualify for a survey? Well, in most cases not qualifying for a survey means you won't get paid at all but in some cases some survey places pay you what I call "pity pay" where they pay you a small portion for at least trying to qualify. As time goes on though and the survey site gets more famiilar with who you are as a person the more accurate they will get in sending you surveys that you'll probably qualify for. These are totally free sites to join.
How it works is that a survey site generally gets paid by a research company trying to get specific information to help market products better. With that money they share a certain amount with you, the survey-taker if you help them in their research. It isn't super high-paying but it's great if you want to make some quick and easy side-cash.
If you're interested in this freelance job to make money online by taking surveys, simply check out the following freelance job info blog entry of all the survey sites I know that're out there today, How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 2
Oh, and if taking surveys doesn't really interest you, you can always check out the other various freelance jobs, and freelance job info in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 2
In this section i'll list all the sites that allow you to write reviews for money that i'm aware of. If you're interested in more information about a given site just click the title and when I have the entries actually posted it will link you to more information about the freelance job site to make money online.
Review Stream: This site gives you $2.00 for a high-quality review, $0.40 for a bulk rate review, and $0.10 per earch vote you get on the review. Probably the best review site out there as it stays on a steady amount and doesn't make constant changes like other review sites.
SharedReviews: This site works on a more residual basis as in, it's dependent on how much traffic you bring into it & the quality of the review. 50% of money from traffic goes to the site and the other 50% goes to the community. That 50% is split in two ways. Voters get a portion, and the person that wrote the review gets a portion. Or at least, it did. I haven't been following up on the changes they might be making soon.
Ciao: I didn't look much into this site as it didn't appeal to me too much but apparently the pay is about $0.25 per review for this freelance job website, at least. Last time I checked! This site is very similar to that of Reviewstream. There are no $0.10 per vote to be earned, though. There are three different types of reviews to earn from last time I checked. Quick Reviews are incredibly tiny reviews are about $0.25, extended reviews are about a $1.00 and they have to be at least 1000 characters, and the third one is an extended review of something that that hasn't been reviewed yet which is $2.00.
If you know of any other sites to make money by writing reviews feel free to leave them in the comment box!
If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance jobs info that will help you to make money online then I suggest checking out the freelance blog info entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Review Stream: This site gives you $2.00 for a high-quality review, $0.40 for a bulk rate review, and $0.10 per earch vote you get on the review. Probably the best review site out there as it stays on a steady amount and doesn't make constant changes like other review sites.
SharedReviews: This site works on a more residual basis as in, it's dependent on how much traffic you bring into it & the quality of the review. 50% of money from traffic goes to the site and the other 50% goes to the community. That 50% is split in two ways. Voters get a portion, and the person that wrote the review gets a portion. Or at least, it did. I haven't been following up on the changes they might be making soon.
Ciao: I didn't look much into this site as it didn't appeal to me too much but apparently the pay is about $0.25 per review for this freelance job website, at least. Last time I checked! This site is very similar to that of Reviewstream. There are no $0.10 per vote to be earned, though. There are three different types of reviews to earn from last time I checked. Quick Reviews are incredibly tiny reviews are about $0.25, extended reviews are about a $1.00 and they have to be at least 1000 characters, and the third one is an extended review of something that that hasn't been reviewed yet which is $2.00.
If you know of any other sites to make money by writing reviews feel free to leave them in the comment box!
If you're interested in other freelance jobs, or freelance jobs info that will help you to make money online then I suggest checking out the freelance blog info entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 1
Ever wondered how to make money online writing reviews on how much you hated, or possibly loved a product and just don't have a lot of time to write them? Well, whip some together & send them off to the plenty of review sites out there! You'll be suprised how many are floating around. And yes. You can actually make money from these freelance job websites. It won't necessarily be a hefty amount but for 5-10 minutes of work you'll be surprised how much you can make.
If you're a quick thinker you might even make way more then you even thought possible when all you're really doing is sharing your opinion! These are not fantastic freelance job opprotunities, but OK freelance job opprotunities to put a little extra side-cash into your pockets!
If you're interested in checking some of them out I advise stopping by this freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 2 and if you're interested in checking out other means to make money online I advise checking out this freelance job blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
If you're a quick thinker you might even make way more then you even thought possible when all you're really doing is sharing your opinion! These are not fantastic freelance job opprotunities, but OK freelance job opprotunities to put a little extra side-cash into your pockets!
If you're interested in checking some of them out I advise stopping by this freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 2 and if you're interested in checking out other means to make money online I advise checking out this freelance job blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money by selling T-shirt designs online Freelance Job Information Part 2
Now that you understand that it is in fact. Possible to make money online through selling t-shirt designs among other clothes designs this entry will provide you with places to get you started! Your freelance job is right around the corner! Don't worry, all sites below are completely free to sell T-shirt Designs and other products with and set up free shops online with.
Spreadshirt:Within this freelance job website you can make t-shirts using a neat little original program & make T-shirt designs with your own artwork or use some of their custom-made artwork. Then you can get links to use to link to your spreadshirt shirts and set your own price. The sucky thing about this is you get a low-cut per sale for your own personal design.
Printmojo: Just another place to sell t-shirt designs online. Nothing special about this site but a possible easier format to use and a more "dialup-friendly" site. If you want to give it a shot to freelance at and make money online with, go for it. Wide variety of different types of shirts to choose from just like Spreadshirt.
Printfection: Once again just a plain ol' freelance job website to try to sell t-shirt designs online at. Fairly new but quite fast-loading and easy to manuever around. Easy on the eyes and fairly straight-forward freelance job website.
Cafepress:Here you can sell T-shirts designs online among other products to attempt to pursue your freelance efforts to make money online. If you feel you can do more then just sell T-shirts then this freelance job website might be the place for you.
Zazzle: Just another place similar to cafepress where you can sell T-shirts online among other types of products freelance to help you make money online. Check it out if you want to, kind of a unique selection and creative name.
If you know of any other freelance job sites, or freelance job info sites in relation to selling tshirts online feel free to leave them in the comment box! If you're interested in other types of freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you to make money online then I advise checking out this blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Spreadshirt:Within this freelance job website you can make t-shirts using a neat little original program & make T-shirt designs with your own artwork or use some of their custom-made artwork. Then you can get links to use to link to your spreadshirt shirts and set your own price. The sucky thing about this is you get a low-cut per sale for your own personal design.
Printmojo: Just another place to sell t-shirt designs online. Nothing special about this site but a possible easier format to use and a more "dialup-friendly" site. If you want to give it a shot to freelance at and make money online with, go for it. Wide variety of different types of shirts to choose from just like Spreadshirt.
Printfection: Once again just a plain ol' freelance job website to try to sell t-shirt designs online at. Fairly new but quite fast-loading and easy to manuever around. Easy on the eyes and fairly straight-forward freelance job website.
Cafepress:Here you can sell T-shirts designs online among other products to attempt to pursue your freelance efforts to make money online. If you feel you can do more then just sell T-shirts then this freelance job website might be the place for you.
Zazzle: Just another place similar to cafepress where you can sell T-shirts online among other types of products freelance to help you make money online. Check it out if you want to, kind of a unique selection and creative name.
If you know of any other freelance job sites, or freelance job info sites in relation to selling tshirts online feel free to leave them in the comment box! If you're interested in other types of freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you to make money online then I advise checking out this blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money by selling T-shirt designs online Freelance Job Information Part 1
Want to learn how to make money online selling t-shirt designs? Don't worry. It's really not that hard! So you don't possess skills to draw, or take good photographs? Or heck. Maybe you aren't a very good writer..? Well, that's ok. You don't need any of them to design a T-shirt online to sell. So how does this work? Well. There are numerous places out there online that allow you to actually create a shirt using personalized logos and images that the given site provides, or you can insert your own to make your own quirky shirt design, and then from there they allow you to set up a shop.
The best thing about these sites is that they actually handle all the billing, as well as the shirt-making so you dont need to spend any money to invest in supplies. Soo, if it turns out you're not very good at selling shirts you lose absolutely nothing. The downfall of most of these sites on my opinion is the fact that a lot of them take huge cuts out of your sales. The percentages differ from site to site, but I suppose. Since they're not only handling the billing but the shirt-making process & shipping that they do deserve quite a hefty cut.
If you're interested in some freelance job websites to design T-shirts and try to sell them for money online I advise checking out this blog entry, How to Make Money by selling T-shirt designs online Freelance Job Information Part 2
Or! if you're interested in other means to make money online then I suggest checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The best thing about these sites is that they actually handle all the billing, as well as the shirt-making so you dont need to spend any money to invest in supplies. Soo, if it turns out you're not very good at selling shirts you lose absolutely nothing. The downfall of most of these sites on my opinion is the fact that a lot of them take huge cuts out of your sales. The percentages differ from site to site, but I suppose. Since they're not only handling the billing but the shirt-making process & shipping that they do deserve quite a hefty cut.
If you're interested in some freelance job websites to design T-shirts and try to sell them for money online I advise checking out this blog entry, How to Make Money by selling T-shirt designs online Freelance Job Information Part 2
Or! if you're interested in other means to make money online then I suggest checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Writing Articles Freelance Job Information Part 2
As promised, most of these sites will get you started on your way to how to make money online writing articles. They all have fairly good rates per article and most are measured on a payperword scale so you're bound to find at least one good freelance job to help you make money online. G'luck to you, and enjoy!
FictionFactor: The point of this site is to list all writing opprotunities in the Fiction Market. Categories range from Science Fiction Markets all the way to Romance, Poetry, and Fantasy Markets! For a full list of all the Markets and to check out the site for yourself just click the words, "FictionFactor".
FreelancewritingGigs: A helpful blog listing various random writing opprotunities and how to find writing opprotunities, and steps to help you succeed at freelance writing opprotunities to make money online. Great blog for beginner writers to find some pretty unique opprotunities and to get a little better idea of the in's and outs of freelance writing.
Freelancewriting: This site has been around for quite a while and focuses mostly on 'niche magazines then internet articles to write. Some fairly high-paying jobs can be found here!
Worldwidefreelance: A kind of generic looking site with a database full of Non-fiction, Fiction, and poetry related markets & you're bound to find at least a few you're interested in as there is quite a wide range of subjects to choose from.
Writingfordollars: Fairly plain looking website with a database full of magazines and websites looking for writers for fairly good rates. It's worth a look around.
And now.. the residual money-makers:
Constant-Content: Sell your writing/artwork for the rate of your choosing and hopefully gain a few sales here and there in the process. Great site to help boost up your residual a bit. If you want to learn how to get started in making money with this freelance job opprotunity check out here: Buy and Sell Articles Online
AssociatedContent: This site is a mix of upfront payments as well as residual. They pay anywhere from $1 to $20 for certain types of content which for most writing places is low but you'll have a lot greater of a chance of acceptance and if you're a quick enough writer before no time at all you'll rack up a huge stack of money, as well as collect residual. A nice site to help you to make money online through a freelance writing job. If you want to start learning about how to get started in making money from this site check here: Write Articles Online For Quick Cash
Helium: Similar to AssociatedContent however it has a few additonal things like writing contests you could enter to earn more. But as far as similarities to AssociatedContent go it has upfront payments just as well as a daily revenue sure based on the traffic to your articles to help you make money online.
Triond: Unlike Helium and Associated content it doesn't pay you any sort of upfront. It simply pays based on the residual you get to the given articles to help you make money online. They handle all the dirty work. As in, they try to connect your articles to the best fitting niche' websites to optimize your earnings as much as possible. If you're in it for the residual & don't want to handle the promoting of your articles this might be your best bet.
..and if you want to try your hand at landing a professional and steady income part-time freelance job check out the following.
About: With the freelance job website named, you can have a chance to become a guide and write on a topic listed on their website. You have to go through a test to see if you're qualified and if you end up being qualified you can start writing and make about $645 a month, supposedly. If this interests you check out the Freelance Job Website Review for it.
If you know of other sites that are writing opprotunities or lead to freelance writing opprotunities, feel free to leave them in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
FictionFactor: The point of this site is to list all writing opprotunities in the Fiction Market. Categories range from Science Fiction Markets all the way to Romance, Poetry, and Fantasy Markets! For a full list of all the Markets and to check out the site for yourself just click the words, "FictionFactor".
FreelancewritingGigs: A helpful blog listing various random writing opprotunities and how to find writing opprotunities, and steps to help you succeed at freelance writing opprotunities to make money online. Great blog for beginner writers to find some pretty unique opprotunities and to get a little better idea of the in's and outs of freelance writing.
Freelancewriting: This site has been around for quite a while and focuses mostly on 'niche magazines then internet articles to write. Some fairly high-paying jobs can be found here!
Worldwidefreelance: A kind of generic looking site with a database full of Non-fiction, Fiction, and poetry related markets & you're bound to find at least a few you're interested in as there is quite a wide range of subjects to choose from.
Writingfordollars: Fairly plain looking website with a database full of magazines and websites looking for writers for fairly good rates. It's worth a look around.
And now.. the residual money-makers:
Constant-Content: Sell your writing/artwork for the rate of your choosing and hopefully gain a few sales here and there in the process. Great site to help boost up your residual a bit. If you want to learn how to get started in making money with this freelance job opprotunity check out here: Buy and Sell Articles Online
AssociatedContent: This site is a mix of upfront payments as well as residual. They pay anywhere from $1 to $20 for certain types of content which for most writing places is low but you'll have a lot greater of a chance of acceptance and if you're a quick enough writer before no time at all you'll rack up a huge stack of money, as well as collect residual. A nice site to help you to make money online through a freelance writing job. If you want to start learning about how to get started in making money from this site check here: Write Articles Online For Quick Cash
Helium: Similar to AssociatedContent however it has a few additonal things like writing contests you could enter to earn more. But as far as similarities to AssociatedContent go it has upfront payments just as well as a daily revenue sure based on the traffic to your articles to help you make money online.
Triond: Unlike Helium and Associated content it doesn't pay you any sort of upfront. It simply pays based on the residual you get to the given articles to help you make money online. They handle all the dirty work. As in, they try to connect your articles to the best fitting niche' websites to optimize your earnings as much as possible. If you're in it for the residual & don't want to handle the promoting of your articles this might be your best bet.
..and if you want to try your hand at landing a professional and steady income part-time freelance job check out the following.
About: With the freelance job website named, you can have a chance to become a guide and write on a topic listed on their website. You have to go through a test to see if you're qualified and if you end up being qualified you can start writing and make about $645 a month, supposedly. If this interests you check out the Freelance Job Website Review for it.
If you know of other sites that are writing opprotunities or lead to freelance writing opprotunities, feel free to leave them in the comment box! Also. If you're interested in other means to make money online I advise checking out If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money online Writing articles freelance job information Part 1
Did you ever wonder how to make money online writing articles? It's really not as hard as you might think. Basically, do you consider yourself a fairly good writer and always were curious, "Hey, can I actually make a reasonable amount as a freelance writer to write articles and really start to make money online?" Well! If so, you've come to the write place. I'm going to talk about two different ways to make money off your freelance writing that're quite similar as well as quite different to life outside the internet when it comes to freelance writing online to help you make money.
The first i'll talk about is the more important and much more profitable then the next one unless you think in terms of the long-run in freelancing online. This is simply the whole, payperword that seems to be lost among freelance writers that're aiming to make money online. The whole idea is you simply write articles and tone them around the various companies looking for them. If you're accepted i've seen articles get accepted for as little as $50, and as much as $300-$500 per individual article for the really good ones. It's a very profitable market if you really can write freelance pretty well & can really "sell yourself" so to speak..
The next type of writing you can do is where you can earn residual off of. Lot's of freelance people are plenty familiar with these type of freelance jobs and seem to think that they're the only way to make money by writing articles online.. but that's far from true. These are nice though for articles you know noone would ever buy that target specific niche's and draw a lot of attention to them and since they work based on the traffic you bring to them for the shared potential advertising revenue you can really see a profit come in almost monthly if you have enough quantity. It's more about quantity with residual for freelance writing jobs online..
If you're interested in checking out the payperword article markets or the residual one's that I mentioned in this freelance job blog I highly suggest checking out the freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Writing Articles Freelance Job Information Part 2
If you're looking for other or additional freelance jobs, or freelance job info then I highly recommend checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of freelance jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
The first i'll talk about is the more important and much more profitable then the next one unless you think in terms of the long-run in freelancing online. This is simply the whole, payperword that seems to be lost among freelance writers that're aiming to make money online. The whole idea is you simply write articles and tone them around the various companies looking for them. If you're accepted i've seen articles get accepted for as little as $50, and as much as $300-$500 per individual article for the really good ones. It's a very profitable market if you really can write freelance pretty well & can really "sell yourself" so to speak..
The next type of writing you can do is where you can earn residual off of. Lot's of freelance people are plenty familiar with these type of freelance jobs and seem to think that they're the only way to make money by writing articles online.. but that's far from true. These are nice though for articles you know noone would ever buy that target specific niche's and draw a lot of attention to them and since they work based on the traffic you bring to them for the shared potential advertising revenue you can really see a profit come in almost monthly if you have enough quantity. It's more about quantity with residual for freelance writing jobs online..
If you're interested in checking out the payperword article markets or the residual one's that I mentioned in this freelance job blog I highly suggest checking out the freelance job info blog entry, How to Make Money Online Writing Articles Freelance Job Information Part 2
If you're looking for other or additional freelance jobs, or freelance job info then I highly recommend checking out this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of freelance jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 2
Here, as promised is various auction sites free to use or otherwise that you might have not known about or one's that you should actually consider if you've heard of them before. I selected these four in particular as they each focus on a unique niche' area of selling products online whether they be handmade, from a collector, or reselling back to attempt to make a profit. Enjoy!
Amazon: If you're a fan of Books, Magazines, or other reading material of the like Amazon is probably for you. Of course, it doesn't just focus on all of that it has other areas in which you can sell in but it is one of it's main focuses. Check it out for yourself and see if this auction site fits your needs!
Wensy: Wensy is a free online Auction site where unlike Ebay you can make listings completely free of charge & there are no plans to pursue a methods of charging members to list things in the future, either. And no, there is no membership fees either. Great site for collectors of all kinds from coins to stamps, to even jewlery!
Etsy: This is a great place for those who hand-make stuff. It focuses more on people that have unique skills to actually make handmade stuff themselves nowadays instead of attempting to sell a product they bought elsewhere online in a free auction site or one that costs like Ebay. It's definitely a unique free auction site to sell stuff on, that's for sure. The only downfall of this site is that it's already attempting to charge listing fees despite how tiny of a website it still is. It's really limiting it's potential growth.
Ebay: Ebay is a very well-known auction site and used to be the favorite among many upon many people until they tried to slip in listing charges. Even though it now costs to list on Ebay it's still better then a lot of other places. Why? The sheer amount of traffic that Ebay get's surpasses any other Auction site out there & thus it's pretty clear that if you want to sell a product online Ebay still might be the best place for you. Of course, the smaller it is the less worth it it gets. It's your job to decide whether you want to stick with Ebay or go hunt down a free auction site out there as there is plenty.
PowerSellersUnite:This is not in fact an auction site, but a place where you can find loads upon loads of information about the various auction sites you are aware of as well as possibly find a new not as well-known one that might better fit you as a person. At Power Sellers Unite, you'll find more then enough Auction information that you'll probably not ever have to go anywhere again to look for it!
If you know other free auction sites, or one's that cost that you felt I should have mentioned within this blog entry feel free to leave them in the comment box to help others out. If you're interested in other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I suggest checking out my blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Amazon: If you're a fan of Books, Magazines, or other reading material of the like Amazon is probably for you. Of course, it doesn't just focus on all of that it has other areas in which you can sell in but it is one of it's main focuses. Check it out for yourself and see if this auction site fits your needs!
Wensy: Wensy is a free online Auction site where unlike Ebay you can make listings completely free of charge & there are no plans to pursue a methods of charging members to list things in the future, either. And no, there is no membership fees either. Great site for collectors of all kinds from coins to stamps, to even jewlery!
Etsy: This is a great place for those who hand-make stuff. It focuses more on people that have unique skills to actually make handmade stuff themselves nowadays instead of attempting to sell a product they bought elsewhere online in a free auction site or one that costs like Ebay. It's definitely a unique free auction site to sell stuff on, that's for sure. The only downfall of this site is that it's already attempting to charge listing fees despite how tiny of a website it still is. It's really limiting it's potential growth.
Ebay: Ebay is a very well-known auction site and used to be the favorite among many upon many people until they tried to slip in listing charges. Even though it now costs to list on Ebay it's still better then a lot of other places. Why? The sheer amount of traffic that Ebay get's surpasses any other Auction site out there & thus it's pretty clear that if you want to sell a product online Ebay still might be the best place for you. Of course, the smaller it is the less worth it it gets. It's your job to decide whether you want to stick with Ebay or go hunt down a free auction site out there as there is plenty.
PowerSellersUnite:This is not in fact an auction site, but a place where you can find loads upon loads of information about the various auction sites you are aware of as well as possibly find a new not as well-known one that might better fit you as a person. At Power Sellers Unite, you'll find more then enough Auction information that you'll probably not ever have to go anywhere again to look for it!
If you know other free auction sites, or one's that cost that you felt I should have mentioned within this blog entry feel free to leave them in the comment box to help others out. If you're interested in other freelance job sites, or freelance job info then I suggest checking out my blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 1
Were you one of the one's always wondering how to make money online selling products? If so, you've made it to the right blog! So as many of you are probably aware there are means for you to make money online selling products. The thing is, how do you get started? Where do you go? What site is beneficial? Where do I find out about the Pro's and Con's of a given Freelance Job website to sell products on? Well. If you have questions like that you've sure come to the right place!
How do you get started? Simple. There are more then enough different types of freelance job websites to sell your products online but before doing that, you have to decide on the product you want to sell freelance. Are you a collector of some sort? Do you have some kind of favorite hobby or sport in mind? Maybe sports card selling then, or maybe! You want to sell DVD's! Whatever you really think will sell. Heck, maybe you just want to clean out your attic or basement of all the stuff you've got laying around. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is to do then you think. The last thing you should do before getting started is to get the proper information on the freelance job supplies you'll need. Such as packaging material and stamps and all that good ol' stuff to begin your freelance job to make money online.
As I figured you're now interested in some different freelance job websites that can actually help you make money online then check out the following blog entry, How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 2
After figuring out all that, you can check out the following freelance job info blog entry that will help you to make your freelancer money making dreams come true with the plenty of freelance job websites i'll be listing to help you determine which one is right for you to help you make money online, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How do you get started? Simple. There are more then enough different types of freelance job websites to sell your products online but before doing that, you have to decide on the product you want to sell freelance. Are you a collector of some sort? Do you have some kind of favorite hobby or sport in mind? Maybe sports card selling then, or maybe! You want to sell DVD's! Whatever you really think will sell. Heck, maybe you just want to clean out your attic or basement of all the stuff you've got laying around. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is to do then you think. The last thing you should do before getting started is to get the proper information on the freelance job supplies you'll need. Such as packaging material and stamps and all that good ol' stuff to begin your freelance job to make money online.
As I figured you're now interested in some different freelance job websites that can actually help you make money online then check out the following blog entry, How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 2
After figuring out all that, you can check out the following freelance job info blog entry that will help you to make your freelancer money making dreams come true with the plenty of freelance job websites i'll be listing to help you determine which one is right for you to help you make money online, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How To Make Money Online Blogging Freelance job Information Part 2
The purpose of this blog entry is to list the different tools you can use to help you get started on freelance blogging to help you make money online. Hopefully the Freelance Job Information I provide will help you to understand the purpose of each site or tool mentioned below.
Google Insights: This if a very helpful experimental tool directly from Google that gives you an idea of worthwhile keywords that people may be searching for in Google. It's definitely worth a gander and a very helpful tool indeed. Great for those just beginning in this freelance blogging job. Best thing about this freelance tool is it's absolutely free to use to help you make money online.
Google Webmaster Tools: You can know exactly what's going on with your website with this freelance tool and really know where your traffic is coming from, who's linking to you, and a whole lot of other things as well!
...instead of going super in-depth into all of Google's fantastic tools why not make a Google account for yourself? It's 100% free, anyways! Anyways, enjoy the rest of the tools i'll be mentioning below!
Alexa: If you own a website Alexa is a tool you should definititely conside using. It can give you a complete record of just about every little tidbit of detail. Especially great site for blogs!
Feedburner: Feedburner is a great tool for those who run a blog. Why? It gives readers that find your site a way to "subscribe" to your blogs and get an update every time a new entry is posted and etc
If you know of other great legitimate freelance job tools to help someone to make money online with their blog feel free to mention them in the comment box. If you're looking for other freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you make money online then I advise checking out the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
Google Insights: This if a very helpful experimental tool directly from Google that gives you an idea of worthwhile keywords that people may be searching for in Google. It's definitely worth a gander and a very helpful tool indeed. Great for those just beginning in this freelance blogging job. Best thing about this freelance tool is it's absolutely free to use to help you make money online.
Google Webmaster Tools: You can know exactly what's going on with your website with this freelance tool and really know where your traffic is coming from, who's linking to you, and a whole lot of other things as well!
...instead of going super in-depth into all of Google's fantastic tools why not make a Google account for yourself? It's 100% free, anyways! Anyways, enjoy the rest of the tools i'll be mentioning below!
Alexa: If you own a website Alexa is a tool you should definititely conside using. It can give you a complete record of just about every little tidbit of detail. Especially great site for blogs!
Feedburner: Feedburner is a great tool for those who run a blog. Why? It gives readers that find your site a way to "subscribe" to your blogs and get an update every time a new entry is posted and etc
If you know of other great legitimate freelance job tools to help someone to make money online with their blog feel free to mention them in the comment box. If you're looking for other freelance jobs, or freelance job info to help you make money online then I advise checking out the blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How To Make Money Online Blogging Freelance job Information Part 1
If you want to learn how to make money online blogging continue to read on. Now you might be a frequent blogger and not know this however! You can actually make money online through freelance blogging. What? Don't believe me? Read on to find out! Now how this works is generally the more traffic you bring to your blog the more money you'll make. Still interested? Keep reading then!
One of the main things that'll help you to make money online is that of Google Adsense. Google Adsense in it's most basic definition is something you can add to your site to generate revenue through Clicks & Impressions. The more Clicks and Impressions as well as the more relevant the AD and the more the person clicking the AD's does with the given site displayed in the AD the more you'll make. If you're interested in how to set up Google Adsense you can check the blog entry, How to Set up Google Adsense Freelance Job Info. If you want a more in-depth definition of what Google Adsense is check out the blog entry, What is Google Adsense Freelance Job Information.
Now in order to actually succeed with Google Adsense you'll need various freelance job tools to help you along the way to build readership as well as deciding the 'niche you want to be in before you even really start to get involved in Adsense. If you want some helpful tips in deciding your niche' I advise checking ou the blog entry, How To Determine your Niche' before starting anything else Freelance Job Information. The more freelance job tools you have and the better you use them, obviously the better you will be at making money online with this particular freelance job.
After setting up your Google Adsense account to help you to make money online freelance, you might want to hold off on putting up the Ad's on your Blog or Website. If your Blog or Website isn't quite "Adsense ready" you won't necessarily be getting very relevant AD's. What I mean here is that you might be attracting traffic to let's say a forum about gaming when the people that end up on the Website or Blog are actually more interested in sports. Thus very poor Targeted Traffic which is very very needed in order for you to succeed at making money online freelance through blogging. If you're interested in tips to make your Blog or Website Google Adsense ready I advise checking out the blog entry, How to Make your Blog or Site Google Adsense Ready.
Now I mentioned various tools to help you make money online through means of this freelance job and if you check out this entry, How to Make Money Online Blogging Freelance Job Information Part 2 you'll find plenty of good tool's to help you to start to make money online through this freelance job. If you're interested in even more means to make money online through means of a freelance job, or freelance job information I suggest checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
One of the main things that'll help you to make money online is that of Google Adsense. Google Adsense in it's most basic definition is something you can add to your site to generate revenue through Clicks & Impressions. The more Clicks and Impressions as well as the more relevant the AD and the more the person clicking the AD's does with the given site displayed in the AD the more you'll make. If you're interested in how to set up Google Adsense you can check the blog entry, How to Set up Google Adsense Freelance Job Info. If you want a more in-depth definition of what Google Adsense is check out the blog entry, What is Google Adsense Freelance Job Information.
Now in order to actually succeed with Google Adsense you'll need various freelance job tools to help you along the way to build readership as well as deciding the 'niche you want to be in before you even really start to get involved in Adsense. If you want some helpful tips in deciding your niche' I advise checking ou the blog entry, How To Determine your Niche' before starting anything else Freelance Job Information. The more freelance job tools you have and the better you use them, obviously the better you will be at making money online with this particular freelance job.
After setting up your Google Adsense account to help you to make money online freelance, you might want to hold off on putting up the Ad's on your Blog or Website. If your Blog or Website isn't quite "Adsense ready" you won't necessarily be getting very relevant AD's. What I mean here is that you might be attracting traffic to let's say a forum about gaming when the people that end up on the Website or Blog are actually more interested in sports. Thus very poor Targeted Traffic which is very very needed in order for you to succeed at making money online freelance through blogging. If you're interested in tips to make your Blog or Website Google Adsense ready I advise checking out the blog entry, How to Make your Blog or Site Google Adsense Ready.
Now I mentioned various tools to help you make money online through means of this freelance job and if you check out this entry, How to Make Money Online Blogging Freelance Job Information Part 2 you'll find plenty of good tool's to help you to start to make money online through this freelance job. If you're interested in even more means to make money online through means of a freelance job, or freelance job information I suggest checking out the freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
How To get started to help you make money online through means of freelance jobs information
Within this blog entry i'm going to list different things that you most definitely should have when it comes to knowing how to make money online through means of freelance job info!
First things first, an Email is a must. If you already have an email, you might want to make an email just for things related to your make money online experience. Why? It's a lot easier to have an email just for those freelance jobs you wanted to try out then to have them all mixed up with your personal business such as friend's emails, and just other random things un-related to various money-making sites. It's also good to have a seperate email for anyone you may decide to network with. When it comes to some of the sites i'll be talking about within this freelance job blog, if you're really good at networking it will... realllly help. Trust me. Make sure to make your email something easy to remember, and your password a lot stronger then usual. When it comes to making money online you'll notice that your email account will be at a lot more risk. Why? Well, the more sites you're a part of the more of a chance that one of those sites might get compromised, or your account within the site will get compromised. Thus your email would be out in the open & your pw can be at risk as well. That's another thing too since i didn't mention that, never use the same password on a site as you use for your email. The email service provider that I recommend is Gmail..
After making a new email or if you really wanted to keeping your old email.. you might want to get ready & make yourself a Paypal account. Plain and simple for those who don't feel like reading up in detail about it, Paypal is like a bank.. but for your online transactions. It's a lot safer then most out there & it's quick too. Sometimes it can be a hassle but as long as you follow the rules and regulations you shouldn't experience many problems. The purpose for this is that you would rather join up with a freelance job website where the only risk you might have is giving your email out. It's a lot smaller of a risk then having to worry about someone running around with really personal information about you that can effect things later on in life like your credit score, or that can also save you time from making calls to all those people to fix the problem & get issued a new card.
Now before anything further coming up with an original User Name & PW is key. The User name should generally have no relevence to the email you used or anything like that & the PW shouldn't be the same as the email either. Strong Usernames and passwords are a really good idea for this kind of stuff but if you're trying to network with lots of people a more professional name might be in order then one you might use for personal things within the internet.
Before really really delving into any sort of money-making experience make sure you have at the very least, 2-3 hours a day to set aside to actually have time to work on these various freelance job sites. If you set off.. 5-10 minutes a day you're probably going to end up wasting your time as you'll never be able to get anything done! Even setting off about 30 minutes a day.. you could do some stuff, but not nearly as much as if you were setting off 2-3 hours a day.
Another thing you should consider is to learn proper time-management skills. You could have all the time in the world but if you cant keep focused on the freelance job websites and get what you need to get done within in a given amount of time, you won't have time for other things. Thus, time-management is key when it comes to online freelance jobs & making a reasonable amount of income.
The last thing you should make sure to do is bookmark my freelance job info blog pages to use as a reference point to help you along through your online money-making experience through means of freelance job info. I will be providing vast amounts of information that will save you a lot of time looking for yourself because you could just simply jump to one of my other blog entries for more then enough information to get you started and using building blocks to work yourself up to making a reasonable amount of money each month!
Ready to get started? If so, check out some of the different types of freelance jobs listed in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
First things first, an Email is a must. If you already have an email, you might want to make an email just for things related to your make money online experience. Why? It's a lot easier to have an email just for those freelance jobs you wanted to try out then to have them all mixed up with your personal business such as friend's emails, and just other random things un-related to various money-making sites. It's also good to have a seperate email for anyone you may decide to network with. When it comes to some of the sites i'll be talking about within this freelance job blog, if you're really good at networking it will... realllly help. Trust me. Make sure to make your email something easy to remember, and your password a lot stronger then usual. When it comes to making money online you'll notice that your email account will be at a lot more risk. Why? Well, the more sites you're a part of the more of a chance that one of those sites might get compromised, or your account within the site will get compromised. Thus your email would be out in the open & your pw can be at risk as well. That's another thing too since i didn't mention that, never use the same password on a site as you use for your email. The email service provider that I recommend is Gmail..
After making a new email or if you really wanted to keeping your old email.. you might want to get ready & make yourself a Paypal account. Plain and simple for those who don't feel like reading up in detail about it, Paypal is like a bank.. but for your online transactions. It's a lot safer then most out there & it's quick too. Sometimes it can be a hassle but as long as you follow the rules and regulations you shouldn't experience many problems. The purpose for this is that you would rather join up with a freelance job website where the only risk you might have is giving your email out. It's a lot smaller of a risk then having to worry about someone running around with really personal information about you that can effect things later on in life like your credit score, or that can also save you time from making calls to all those people to fix the problem & get issued a new card.
Now before anything further coming up with an original User Name & PW is key. The User name should generally have no relevence to the email you used or anything like that & the PW shouldn't be the same as the email either. Strong Usernames and passwords are a really good idea for this kind of stuff but if you're trying to network with lots of people a more professional name might be in order then one you might use for personal things within the internet.
Before really really delving into any sort of money-making experience make sure you have at the very least, 2-3 hours a day to set aside to actually have time to work on these various freelance job sites. If you set off.. 5-10 minutes a day you're probably going to end up wasting your time as you'll never be able to get anything done! Even setting off about 30 minutes a day.. you could do some stuff, but not nearly as much as if you were setting off 2-3 hours a day.
Another thing you should consider is to learn proper time-management skills. You could have all the time in the world but if you cant keep focused on the freelance job websites and get what you need to get done within in a given amount of time, you won't have time for other things. Thus, time-management is key when it comes to online freelance jobs & making a reasonable amount of income.
The last thing you should make sure to do is bookmark my freelance job info blog pages to use as a reference point to help you along through your online money-making experience through means of freelance job info. I will be providing vast amounts of information that will save you a lot of time looking for yourself because you could just simply jump to one of my other blog entries for more then enough information to get you started and using building blocks to work yourself up to making a reasonable amount of money each month!
Ready to get started? If so, check out some of the different types of freelance jobs listed in this freelance job info blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2
I list below in no particular order, different part-time and full-time freelance jobs, freelance job tools, and freelance jobs info to help you to make money online. Before checking out the freelance job info entries below to help you out, you might want to check into, How To get started to help you make money online through means of freelance jobs information which is basically some things you might want to consider doing to save you time in the long-run when participating in the freelance jobs below that will help you to make money online.
Also, keep in mind that none of the information you'll find on my blog will link you to anything that you actually have to pay money for. This is totally free part-time and full-time freelance jobs information. Some places may try to sell you a subscription but just ignore it and focus on the free aspects of the given site. You can make more then enough with that, then to throw your money out & make a few extra bucks. It's not worthhh it.
P.S. If you can think of anything that I could add below to help you make more money online i'll be happy to hear it and write a guide on it. Just use the "Contact me, Here!" form which you can find on the right of the page if you scroll down a bit and make sure to label the title, "More Part-time Freelance Jobs Online" & follow it up with any information you have to share. Annnd! Feel free to subscribe to my blog at the top-right if you like the blog entries below or become a Google Follower.
Last of all, within the freelance job blog entries it might link to other references for you to check out within this freelance job blog which might not link to anything yet as I have yet to post up the freelance job blog entry so just be patient!
~How To Make Money Online Blogging Freelance job Information Part 1:By following the link to this entry you'll find information about how to start to make money online through means of freelance blogging and plenty of relevant freelance job information and money making online definitions in relation to blogging such as what Readership is, what Adsense is, and other various terms like Targeted Traffic. If you're ready to get started to make money online with your blog, by simply, blogging then feel free to click the link above to get started with plenty of freelance jobs you can do to help make yourself some money online!
~How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 1: As a lot of you are pretty familiar of by now, there are part-time and full-time freelance job websites in which you can use to sell products online in all different kinds of areas from collectibles, to handmade products, or possibly just a place to re-sell products online freelance for a higher price then you paid originally. With this freelance job info blog entry I shall provide you with info on some unique freelance job websites that hit different areas in which you can sell your products to help you to make money online.
~How to Make Money Online Writing articles Freelance Job Information Part 1: Once you follow this link to this given freelance job info blog entry full of helpful part-time and full-time freelance job information, you'll be shown means to make money just by writing articles online, and generally the two types of ways you'll find are through Residual means, and the other way is by hunting down databases full of companies, magazines, and sites willing to purchase the articles you write online for a pretty high rate. Get started Freelance Writing today with the many freelance job websites i'll be talking about that will help you to make money online like never before!
~How to Make Money by selling T-shirt Designs Online Freelance Job Information Part 1: Upon following the link to this freelance job info blog entry you'll learn about plenty of part-time and full-time freelance job information on how you can personally make & sell T-shirt designs online without going through all the hassle of that of setting up your own business, in most cases you just simply open up a free online store to place your T-shirt designs in. You simply send the shirt designs into different online companies & promote the link. If people like the designs you'll make sales, and you will make money online through this freelance job!
~How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 1: This freelance job blog entry will touch up on the fact that you can make money online by simply writing reviews with the part-time freelance job information i'll provide. The reviews you can write can be about anything from movies, to videogames, to even a person or a place! It's easy money to be made, and it's not too time-consuming either. Not super profitable, but it's something fun to do on the side for extra side-cash. Get started on writing reviews through the many freelance job websites i'll be talking about to help you to make money online today! If you're ready to get started, just follow the link to the freelance job info blog entry.
~How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 1: Now this is more of a US kind of a thing but international people can still make a reasonable amount of money on some given survey sites that pay you take surveys online. I say this is more of a US-based thing because the idea behind it is that most of the surveys you'll be taking to make money are for US people and you have to qualify for a survey as in, fit a certain demographic area in order to actually receive the money that people are paying for the surveys. If this sounds appealing follow the link to get some part-time freelance job information and start to make money online freelance to take a survey in the freelance job websites i'll be talking about!
~How to Make Money Online Selling Music and Making a Band Part 1: In this part-time freelance job information blog entry i'll simply go over the many tools and freelance job info you could be using to make money online through your band or by music & the potential great ways to network on a more massive scale and sites you can use to sell your music cds and other music-related products online. It's really not that complicated! If you find this interesting, follow the link to find plenty of ways for you to make money online by means of selling your music, and just simply by making a band and networking with others in the freelance job websites i'll be discussing! I'll also touch up on some ways for those who don't have a band but like reviewing bands to make money online.
~How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job info Part 1: Now this is about the most interesting one at least I feel anyways. The main thing you do here is much like a tech support job, or a call-center job but online, you share the information you know with others. This is an information-age world we live in today and to be able to freelance it by working at home and making a reasonable income online is just amazing. If this is interesting to you then follow the link and start making money online today through the part-time or possibly full-time freelance job information i'll provide so you can share your opinion, give advice, or just be helpful in the great freelance job websites i'll be discussing which will in turn help you to make money online. To get started, just check out this freelance job info blog entry!
~How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 1: The point of these kind of part-time or full-time freelance job websites is to provide a means in which you can tutor others online and charge a freelance rate per minute, per hour, or however you please or even give lessons for free online. Generally the freelance tutoring would consist of teaching languages like English, Spanish, and so on. You can also use it for other freelance job means such as selling "lesson plans" so to speak where someone could purchase something to help them out where you wouldn't necessarily be required to be there for in these freelance job websites. Check this freelance job info entry out if you're good at tutoring freelance and qualify to do so!
~How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 1: The point of these kind of part-time or full-time freelance job websites is pretty simple, get paid to draw online. What I mean by this is that there are freelance job websites out there that could possibly be interested in your drawings & simply make a purchase. Thus, you make money online from a given freelance job website. Depending on your drawing skills and the kind of drawings you well, draw will depend how much you will make online
~How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance job information Part 1:Not exactly the greatest opprotunity unless you're a really good photographer, howeeever! If you know how to take pictures, there could be a potential huge profit to be made in this area online. This focuses on the online aspects of earning by taking pictures online and selling the pictures in various freelance job websites with the info i'll provide. It can be a great earner if you have a lot of pictures to put up, it's a great way to make residual online. If you're interested in ways to sell your photography online through means of a part-time freelance job to make money online then you should probably follow the link above!
~How to Make Money Shopping and Saving Online Freelance Job information Part 1: The point of the freelance job websites you'll find under this freelance job info blog entry are means to shop online and save money by getting money back. It's pretty simple how these shopping & saving sites work. The part-time freelance job website in question helps to promote sales for a given company and thus they can afford to sell products at a discount and thus when you purchase products online you can save by always getting a bit of money back where you wouldn't normally get if you didn't particpate in these freelance job websites! Great place to save money online if you shop online a lot!
~How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 1 :This is a hard market to earn money in, in the sense that a lot of places associated with Mystery Shopping are scams. It might even be best to avoid it totally, but it's still worth a look as of course in almost every field in relation to making money online with mystery shopping, there is always at least some legitimate mystery shopping companies willing to pay out for the information you provide. It's exciting though if you run into enough legitimate companies as then this Mystery Shopping gig can be quite profitable and you can really rack up the cash simply from stopping at shop to shop in person and reall start to make money.
~How to Make Money Online Scripting Coding and Programming Freelance job Information Part 1:Before you can really do much in this area you'll have to know how to code to a pretty good degree and be pretty time-efficient. As in, the quicker & better you do the job the more likely it'll be for you to get other part-time freelance job opprotunities. If you're interested in a freelance job with Scripting, Coding, or programming to help you make money online then this is probably the link to check out to get you started & in no time with the freelance job websites i'll be mentioning you'll be making money online like never before.
~How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 1: This isn't too hard to do, really. You simply make a video with a camera, and post it up online to make money. Make sure to avoid any copyrights or put any songs in that you dont own the rights to, or anything like that. Check out this part-time freelance job info blog entry to learn much much more and learn about some of the companies that already do this, and some that are to be starting soon that you've probably heard of! There are already quite a few pretty great part-time freelance job websites to help you make money online to make a video. You can also try to sell freelance video online with some of the freelance job websites i'll provide to help you make money online as well.
Also, keep in mind that none of the information you'll find on my blog will link you to anything that you actually have to pay money for. This is totally free part-time and full-time freelance jobs information. Some places may try to sell you a subscription but just ignore it and focus on the free aspects of the given site. You can make more then enough with that, then to throw your money out & make a few extra bucks. It's not worthhh it.
P.S. If you can think of anything that I could add below to help you make more money online i'll be happy to hear it and write a guide on it. Just use the "Contact me, Here!" form which you can find on the right of the page if you scroll down a bit and make sure to label the title, "More Part-time Freelance Jobs Online" & follow it up with any information you have to share. Annnd! Feel free to subscribe to my blog at the top-right if you like the blog entries below or become a Google Follower.
Last of all, within the freelance job blog entries it might link to other references for you to check out within this freelance job blog which might not link to anything yet as I have yet to post up the freelance job blog entry so just be patient!
~How To Make Money Online Blogging Freelance job Information Part 1:By following the link to this entry you'll find information about how to start to make money online through means of freelance blogging and plenty of relevant freelance job information and money making online definitions in relation to blogging such as what Readership is, what Adsense is, and other various terms like Targeted Traffic. If you're ready to get started to make money online with your blog, by simply, blogging then feel free to click the link above to get started with plenty of freelance jobs you can do to help make yourself some money online!
~How to Make Money Online Selling Products Freelance Job Information Part 1: As a lot of you are pretty familiar of by now, there are part-time and full-time freelance job websites in which you can use to sell products online in all different kinds of areas from collectibles, to handmade products, or possibly just a place to re-sell products online freelance for a higher price then you paid originally. With this freelance job info blog entry I shall provide you with info on some unique freelance job websites that hit different areas in which you can sell your products to help you to make money online.
~How to Make Money Online Writing articles Freelance Job Information Part 1: Once you follow this link to this given freelance job info blog entry full of helpful part-time and full-time freelance job information, you'll be shown means to make money just by writing articles online, and generally the two types of ways you'll find are through Residual means, and the other way is by hunting down databases full of companies, magazines, and sites willing to purchase the articles you write online for a pretty high rate. Get started Freelance Writing today with the many freelance job websites i'll be talking about that will help you to make money online like never before!
~How to Make Money by selling T-shirt Designs Online Freelance Job Information Part 1: Upon following the link to this freelance job info blog entry you'll learn about plenty of part-time and full-time freelance job information on how you can personally make & sell T-shirt designs online without going through all the hassle of that of setting up your own business, in most cases you just simply open up a free online store to place your T-shirt designs in. You simply send the shirt designs into different online companies & promote the link. If people like the designs you'll make sales, and you will make money online through this freelance job!
~How to Make Money Online Writing reviews Freelance Job information Part 1: This freelance job blog entry will touch up on the fact that you can make money online by simply writing reviews with the part-time freelance job information i'll provide. The reviews you can write can be about anything from movies, to videogames, to even a person or a place! It's easy money to be made, and it's not too time-consuming either. Not super profitable, but it's something fun to do on the side for extra side-cash. Get started on writing reviews through the many freelance job websites i'll be talking about to help you to make money online today! If you're ready to get started, just follow the link to the freelance job info blog entry.
~How to Make Money Online Taking Surveys Freelance Job Information Part 1: Now this is more of a US kind of a thing but international people can still make a reasonable amount of money on some given survey sites that pay you take surveys online. I say this is more of a US-based thing because the idea behind it is that most of the surveys you'll be taking to make money are for US people and you have to qualify for a survey as in, fit a certain demographic area in order to actually receive the money that people are paying for the surveys. If this sounds appealing follow the link to get some part-time freelance job information and start to make money online freelance to take a survey in the freelance job websites i'll be talking about!
~How to Make Money Online Selling Music and Making a Band Part 1: In this part-time freelance job information blog entry i'll simply go over the many tools and freelance job info you could be using to make money online through your band or by music & the potential great ways to network on a more massive scale and sites you can use to sell your music cds and other music-related products online. It's really not that complicated! If you find this interesting, follow the link to find plenty of ways for you to make money online by means of selling your music, and just simply by making a band and networking with others in the freelance job websites i'll be discussing! I'll also touch up on some ways for those who don't have a band but like reviewing bands to make money online.
~How to Make Money Online Freelance to Share Your Opinion and Give Advice job info Part 1: Now this is about the most interesting one at least I feel anyways. The main thing you do here is much like a tech support job, or a call-center job but online, you share the information you know with others. This is an information-age world we live in today and to be able to freelance it by working at home and making a reasonable income online is just amazing. If this is interesting to you then follow the link and start making money online today through the part-time or possibly full-time freelance job information i'll provide so you can share your opinion, give advice, or just be helpful in the great freelance job websites i'll be discussing which will in turn help you to make money online. To get started, just check out this freelance job info blog entry!
~How to Make Money Online Tutoring Freelance Job Information Part 1: The point of these kind of part-time or full-time freelance job websites is to provide a means in which you can tutor others online and charge a freelance rate per minute, per hour, or however you please or even give lessons for free online. Generally the freelance tutoring would consist of teaching languages like English, Spanish, and so on. You can also use it for other freelance job means such as selling "lesson plans" so to speak where someone could purchase something to help them out where you wouldn't necessarily be required to be there for in these freelance job websites. Check this freelance job info entry out if you're good at tutoring freelance and qualify to do so!
~How to Make Money Online Drawing Freelance Job Information Part 1: The point of these kind of part-time or full-time freelance job websites is pretty simple, get paid to draw online. What I mean by this is that there are freelance job websites out there that could possibly be interested in your drawings & simply make a purchase. Thus, you make money online from a given freelance job website. Depending on your drawing skills and the kind of drawings you well, draw will depend how much you will make online
~How to Make Money Online Selling Photography Freelance job information Part 1:Not exactly the greatest opprotunity unless you're a really good photographer, howeeever! If you know how to take pictures, there could be a potential huge profit to be made in this area online. This focuses on the online aspects of earning by taking pictures online and selling the pictures in various freelance job websites with the info i'll provide. It can be a great earner if you have a lot of pictures to put up, it's a great way to make residual online. If you're interested in ways to sell your photography online through means of a part-time freelance job to make money online then you should probably follow the link above!
~How to Make Money Shopping and Saving Online Freelance Job information Part 1: The point of the freelance job websites you'll find under this freelance job info blog entry are means to shop online and save money by getting money back. It's pretty simple how these shopping & saving sites work. The part-time freelance job website in question helps to promote sales for a given company and thus they can afford to sell products at a discount and thus when you purchase products online you can save by always getting a bit of money back where you wouldn't normally get if you didn't particpate in these freelance job websites! Great place to save money online if you shop online a lot!
~How to Make Money Online Mystery Shopping Freelance job information Part 1 :This is a hard market to earn money in, in the sense that a lot of places associated with Mystery Shopping are scams. It might even be best to avoid it totally, but it's still worth a look as of course in almost every field in relation to making money online with mystery shopping, there is always at least some legitimate mystery shopping companies willing to pay out for the information you provide. It's exciting though if you run into enough legitimate companies as then this Mystery Shopping gig can be quite profitable and you can really rack up the cash simply from stopping at shop to shop in person and reall start to make money.
~How to Make Money Online Scripting Coding and Programming Freelance job Information Part 1:Before you can really do much in this area you'll have to know how to code to a pretty good degree and be pretty time-efficient. As in, the quicker & better you do the job the more likely it'll be for you to get other part-time freelance job opprotunities. If you're interested in a freelance job with Scripting, Coding, or programming to help you make money online then this is probably the link to check out to get you started & in no time with the freelance job websites i'll be mentioning you'll be making money online like never before.
~How to Make Money Online Making Videos Freelance Job Information Part 1: This isn't too hard to do, really. You simply make a video with a camera, and post it up online to make money. Make sure to avoid any copyrights or put any songs in that you dont own the rights to, or anything like that. Check out this part-time freelance job info blog entry to learn much much more and learn about some of the companies that already do this, and some that are to be starting soon that you've probably heard of! There are already quite a few pretty great part-time freelance job websites to help you make money online to make a video. You can also try to sell freelance video online with some of the freelance job websites i'll provide to help you make money online as well.
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