Buy and Sell Articles Online and Collect Residual

Freelance Job Information: With this website you'll be able to buy and sell articles online more then once to collect purchase residual. A place to earn money simply by posting up articles of yours & setting a "rate" for purchase & anyone can stop on by and purchase it if they're interested. They also allow selling Pictures/Artwork away from the whole "stock photo" money-making experience.

How they make money online: Advertising revenue and I believe they take a portion of money out of your sale.

Last known Payscale: Depends the rate you set for your article. The earnings can be quite luxurious if you get a popular article that a whole bunch of people want to buy, so do your research so that places will actually be wanting to buy your articles online that you're selling.

Constant Content WebSite Rating: I give this website called ConstantContent a 9/10 after carefully reviewing it. It's professional-looking and you don't really need to bring exposure to it as it gets exposure just by being on the site so if the article you have on there is worth buying, chances are it will be bought if you set a reasonable rate. Great place to sell articles online.

-Quick and easy to sign up for and start adding articles and artwork and other things to try and sell for your own personal rate you can set up.
-Professional-looking website.
-Free exposure to potential buyers.
-Great help to boost your residual if you're a good enough article looking for what whatever the buyers are looking for at the time.
-If you hit a lot of different topics chances are you will make at least a few sales a month which is extra cash for the same thing over and over.
-Great for businesses and people looking to get a cheap article to add to their site.
-Good security.

-If you have too broad of an article or too niche' of one you may never sell any.
-You could possibly sell your article once to someone individually and make out better then selling it over and over again with the residual.

If you're ready to check it out, just follow this link here.

If you want to see the different ways in which you can sell the articles check out, here.

If you're looking for other methods to get some money for your writing check out this blog entry here, How to Make Money Online writing articles

If you have anything else to say in relation to this website, feel free to leave it in the comment box as to help others when considering this as a worthwhile part-time freelance job to make money online or not.

If you're interested in other freelance jobs online, or freelance job info check out this blog entry, If you have ended up here, I figure you're interested in how to Make Money Online through means of Freelance Jobs with the info i'll provide? Part 2

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